| chapter two |

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BARON pihsivia looked disgruntled, his beady black eyes staring at the cane in disgust. his face became an even brighter shade of red -almost on the verge of purple- that y/n was concerned his face would implode. pihsivia scoffed, "a lady? this woman is merely a prostitute commoner! she doesn't get to be treated like a lady. who are you to tell me what to do-"

the baron looked up towards the male holding the cane, his words stopped coming out and he froze, recognising the man -a noble- and spluttered incoherently. y/n watched, taking a step back and wondering who this man was to make such a prideful and egotistical asshole actually seem slightly scared.

the other male kept his polite smile, his emerald eyes on the other hand spoke his true feelings. he lowered his cane slowly, a quiet tak sounded on the ground as it hit the floor and he took off his top hat, holding it close to his chest. "ah, baron. i'm saddened you don't recognise me!"

"oh no! no! i do! count moriarty, i certainly do!"

y/n tilted her head. a count? he must be part of the aristocracy. it would really explain not only his clothes, but the aura around him that leaked with confidence and she knew that each of his moves were carefully calculated. once baron pihsivia had announced the word 'count' the crowd around them seemed to murmur to one another in not-so-quiet hushes.

"he's part of the moriarty family! upon the aristocracy, count moriarty is known and is respected by everyone!"

"he has two younger brothers, one adopted but sadly his parents died in a fire when he was younger. oh poor lad."

"these stupid nobles...fighting on the bloody streets like they own them."

"i have to say, he is one fine gentleman."

y/n sniggered at that, though they weren't wrong she supposed. especially standing next to baron pihsivia who, instead of trying to look like a tomato, has suddenly turned white as a sheet. count moriarty towered over the man who as well as had a protruding stomach, was a short guy that even y/n was an inch taller than.

each of his facial features also complimented each other, his sharp nose yet soft rounded eyebrows, his fox-like cunning eyes and jawline that was prominent. though it truly is his eyes that catches the attention, the green was bright like a jewel like emeralds but had flicks of gold held within them that could only be seen if you were close enough.

moriarty laughed, "well then baron, please allow me to take care of this lady. i'm sure you have much larger problems to attend to."

"no it's fine count, this woman needs to be treated like the prostitute she is and i'll gladly punish her for the ruckus she has caused."

y/n furrowed her eyebrows, shivering at the meaning implied within those words and glaring hatefully at the man. count moriarty noticed this from the corner of his eye and was prepared to speak again but y/n had already opened her mouth to retaliate herself.

"i am not a prostitute you absolute moron!" she hissed at him, arms crossed in an annoyed manner. y/n is truly irritated. she has virtually no idea specifically where she is -though she could guess- and if this really wasn't some shifting reality dream, how the fuck was she meant to get home?!

y/n never asked for this, she's been here for less than half an hour and she's already got herself in deep crap with two noblemen.

"look at how vulgar her language is!" the baron cried, "so uneducated! this is why people like you are below the nobility!"

y/n heard someone murmur "can he just shut up." and thoroughly agreed with them. his rude addressing towards her that consisted of only the word "you" was starting to get to her. to be honest, she just wanted to lunge at him and beat him up but she would probably get arrested or sentenced to a hanging if she attacked a baron. she clicked her tongue. stupid titles.

count moriarty dropped his polite smile. a scary, daunting look took over his face as his eyes pierced into that of the baron's. he was sick and tired of the nobility having an attitude as if they were literal gods themselves as if they ever even did anything for society. he was sick of how depending on what class you were born in, that was where you would be for the rest of your life.

y/n giggled cynically, "below the nobility? are you not uneducated yourself? are people of working class or lower not considered humans as well? you realise, that these people are hated by by the wealthy though these people are the ones who work for you?" she smiled, "oi, be a little grateful. you were born into aristocracy, you never did anything that made you deserve that title."

the baron panted heavily, sweat trailing down his temple. his anger must have risen so far that he had disregarded that a count was standing beside them. pihsivia grabbed onto the wrist of y/n, his sausage fingers wrapped too tightly which made her wince in pain. he started to lift his other hand when a sound distracted him.

the count had loudly tapped his cane thrice against the cobble, "i said," he placed his top hat onto his head and leaned down on his cane so his face was directly in front of the other. "i can take care of her,"

the scary look on moriarty's face caused pihsivia to falter, loosening his grip enough for y/n to rip her wrist away. he nervously laughed, "now that i think about it, i do have much bigger business to attend to! this-this woman is not worth my time and i should be going now! good day count albert james moriarty."

he rushed back to his carriage, slammed the door shut as he loudly called for the coach to hurry up and the carriage went on its way, barging past the crowd and disappeared around the corner. the crowd around started to move around and eventually dispersed as if nothing ever happened.

y/n glanced up at the male beside her. his eyes lingered on the end of the street before flickering down and making eye contact with her. he smiled gently at her, "i apologise madam for the large hassle miss..."

"l/n. and it's really no problem, it wasn't your fault but mine," y/n said, smiling in thanks.

"miss l/n it was not your fault for the way he treated you. you must be late to wherever you were heading to, as an apology let me take you to your destination," he tilted his chin towards the direction of his own carriage that was behind the baron's.

but y/n refused politely, shaking her head and bowing to him in gratitude. "thank you count moriarty for saving me and offering to give me a ride but, i must decline."

count moriarty stared at her in silence for a minute it two. she became hyper aware of the pimple that was slowly growing on her cheek that she realised was there with a groan in the bathroom this morning. her attire, she knew was not fitted for the era that she was in and she realised that maybe the people here weren't ready to be flashed with legs and ankles.

he nodded, "very well miss l/n, i shall leave you to it then. farewell." he lifted his hat in regard and elegantly walked back towards the steps of his carriage.

"goodbye count moriarty." she replied and continued her way down the crowded streets of victorian london.

i want to watch s3 sex education but i literally don't have netflix anymore :(
anyways, i have so much revision and homework to do but heres a chapter 😃
but like, this is technically like revision for english language?? i'm writing lol
i love albert 😩 he's like top three of my favourite mtp characters cuz i like all of the characters😼

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