Strange Encounter

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Madison Rocca was finishing up her shift in The Rockporium. She handed the organized records to her friends,
Nick Russell, and Chip Thorn. Now she could take a breather.

That is if her other friend, Xander Bly, would get off the only chair in the store.

"Seriously Xander?" She groaned lightly in exhaustion. "Could you for once get off your butt, and help around here?"

"Hey! I am helping!" Xander argued. Then he gave her that sly smile that made all the girls blush. "I'm...."

"Supervising..." She rolled her eyes as she finished his sentence. "I know."

"You got that right, mate!" He chuckled with a wink.

Madison just gave up, and went to check up on her sister, Vida Rocca.

"Hey Sis!" Vida smiled as she looked up from the turn tables.

"Hey V! How's going?" Madison chuckled as she gestured to the turn tables.

"Getting better by the day!" Vida gave her sister a thumbs up.

"Great!" Madison nodded, and turned to walk away. She carefully picked up a few misplaced CDs, but when she made one small step, she ended up bumping in to someone. "Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!" She apologized quickly as she glanced at the fallen CDs and helped the stranger up.

"Don't worry, it's quite alright!" The stranger smiled as he stood up. He did a quick bow as he introduced himself. "My name is Dex."

"Oh um...Madison." She said skeptically as she did a slight curtsy. "But, people call me Maddie."

"Maddie.." Dex repeated the name. "Madison...hmm..." His tone became more questionable.

"U-um...y-yeah..." The blue ranger nodded slowly as she took a small step back.

"Oh uh..." Dex nervously looked back up to her. "I-it's a beautiful name!" He said quickly.

"" She smiled nervously. Then she pointed behind her. "I better"

"Until we meet again?" He gave another bow as he lightly held her hand and planted a small kiss upon the top of it.

"Y-yeah..." Madison slowly took her hand away. "Right...bye!" She turned around and quickly walked away.

"It's true..." Dex whispered to himself as he looked through some records. "She has returned."

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