toss a coin to your witcher

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July 4: Nothing of importance happened today. They still don't know I have this, and they still don't know I can speak and understand their language. I don't know what they would do if they found out what I can do and understand. Maybe they would seclude me from the other hybrids, or maybe they would force me to teach the other hybrids. I'm lucky that I know the language. However, some of these hybrids are fifteen years old, born when the world first went into chaos, and they never learned how to read or write or speak. I fear they never will.


As his heart raced in his ears and he tucked his wings into himself, he thought that he should have never left home. The birds and critters in the forest were dead silent- even the wind seemed to have stopped for the time being. They all halted just to watch the horrific show between the hunters and their prey. Unfortunately, Tommy knew he wasn't the one hunting, but rather the hunted. He trembled against the foliage, acutely aware of the fact that his wings were much too bright to blend in with his surroundings.

Their boots crunched against twigs littering the ground. "Come out, little monster. You can't do this forever, and we have all day." The reality of that statement was like a harsh slap to Tommy's cheek. They were right, and that somehow hurt worse than whatever pain they planned to inflict on him. This hunt was just a ticking bomb, and it was going to blow up in the teenager's face.

They were getting close, so very close, and it was in that moment that dread sank into his stomach. The men stopped walking. Instead they were shuffling, preparing something. They had found him. There was a lull in his mind, a hesitance on what he should do. Should he lay down and accept his fate, or should he make a run for it?

It didn't get much of a chance to decide, though, when he heard a loud bang echo across the woods. He half-expected to feel pain scorching his body, but he remained unharmed. Though, he did hear a loud gasp coming from his pursuers. Then, there was another voice. It wasn't like the men that were following him. This was a different person entirely, new to the scene yet had obviously been stalking them for a while now.

"I suggest you put down those weapons, or my aim is going to get a whole lot better." His voice was monotone and deep, with an almost wet feeling to it. The guy sounded like he was dying of thirst, or that his throat was full of muck. Tommy shouldn't complain, though- the mystery man was saving his life, after all.

To his surprise, the hunters left. They didn't say anything as they packed their things up and stalked out of the wooded area. It wasn't after a while of waiting, though, that the man spoke again. "They're gone, but you should leave the area. They have the whole place marked."

Tommy poked his head out of the foliage. Nearby, he spotted a broad-shouldered, tall man leaning against a tree nonchalantly, staring right at his face. The most noticeable part of his features, however, was his long pink hair, drawn back into a ponytail. "You really stand out with those wings, you know."

Tommy's wings flared and puffed out in defense. "Hey, it's not like you are all that sneaky with your bright hair!" The hybrid knew the man was telling the truth, unfortunately, because it was exactly easy to hide bright orange and red wings in the middle of dull brown and green colors. The man simply stared at him, an almost cocky look in his eyes as Tommy stomped up to him.

"I'm the one who followed you and your stalkers, unseen, and drove them away from you." His arms uncrossed and hung limply at his sides. Tommy stopped himself before he got too close. The guy had a weapon and was still unknown and dangerous. A bullet could reach him faster than he could run or fly, but it was worth it to try and get a head start if it came down to it.

Tommy relaxed marginally. "Yeah, um, thanks for that." There was a lull in conversation where they didn't say anything and simply shuffled in an awkward silence. "What's your name? I'm Tommy." Hesitantly, he stuck out his hand and attempted at a lopsided grin.

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