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      "Prince Megumi was so amazing, so cool today! I can't wait to marry him." Itadori happily gushes when he returns home for the weekend. He was more than a little upset about having to leave his fiancé's side but he was also filled with joy to return. His father, Jin, embraces his son in a tight hug. Itadori laughs happily, hugging his father back.

Jin pulls back first, his hands resting on Yuji's shoulders. "So good to see you son and it's good to know you still have a loving relationship with the Prince. How are the preparations for his coronation coming?"

The father-son duo makes their way into the castle, "Some things have to be discussed but it's going well! Prince Megumi managed to get most of us to work together and that's impressive!"

Jin smiles, "That is certainly impressive. I'm worried about the entire situation, truthfully, I have been since King Toji spoke of it." He sighs, his face scrunching as the bad memory of what occurred that dreadful day.

"Well, it's nothing compared to when we were younger. But~!, everyone is much more mature since then. They want to be on Prince Megumi's good side and they can't do that if they act out. We all share our love for him and I think... love is what will bring us together instead of apart. So, don't worry so much dad, we're going to be okay." Yuji has the same positive, charming smile on his face that always brightens up the negative energy.

Jin's worries are soothed as he smiles fondly at his only living kin. Such a sweet kid, he truly did a good job raising this boy. He was worried how Yuji would be after the heartbreaking death of Yuji's grandfather who had such a big part in Yuji's upbringing. The boy didn't fall into the depths of despair like Jin worried might occur, instead, he chose to look towards the positives and Yuji chose to focus on the pretty prince with the emeralds for eyes.

Jin wants nothing more than for their to be peace between all the kingdoms, for everyone to live together in pure bliss.

"I wish grandpa could've been here for the wedding." Yuji hums, bringing Jin back to reality. His face saddens at Yuji's words, "Grandpa was kind of mean and harsh but I think he would've really liked Prince Megumi."

"Yeah... I think you're right. Dad certainly would've given you a hard time after meeting that boy. King Toji's little one has a way of capturing the hearts of those he meets." Jin laughs and Yuji laughs in agreement.

     King Jin remembers when he was introduced to King Toji's little boy. He was skeptical about this child, after all, King Toji was known for being a violent brute who only cares for himself.

Jin quickly found that to not be true. He is scary, violent, and a brute but... that's not all he is as a person. Jin knew this the moment he saw the tiny Prince whose beauty had to be described with all the loveliest words in the dictionary. How King Toji's rough features softened as he embraced Prince Megumi with such gentleness and affection. The King and his child had stolen King Jin's heart for their own. Such a unique family with a unique set of skills.

"The day of the coronation, everyone agreed we'd give Prince Megumi a gift worthy of a... w-wife." Yuji suffers, his cheeks reddening at his words.

"Everyone as in the other Princes?" Jin inquires and Yuji nods his head. Jin crosses his arms, raising one so he can grip his chin in thought. "I see, then we'll have to give him a wonderful gift. Did you have anything in particular that you wanted?"

"No but... maybe something special to me? Something that means a lot to me... given to Prince Megumi... I think that's what I want but... aghhh! I don't know specifically!" Yuji groans making his dad chuckle. Jin affectionately pats his son's shoulder; Yuji lets out an exhausted and dejected sigh.

"I think I have an idea. Come with me."


"Grandpa! Grandpa!" Prince Yuji runs into his grandfather's arms with a bright smile and giggles in delight. The little boy was dirty from playing and giving his poor maids a hard time. Nobody can tame this wild boy, he craved adventure and he could hardly contain his urge to run free. After all, it's instinct.

"You're filthy!" His grandpa grunts in disgust but Yuji just laughs. His grandpa, Wasuke Itadori, huffs but then smiles, just slightly. Yuji's mother died when he was just a few months old, she was gravely injured and with the poison rapidly spreading through her body... it ended her life. This could've been avoided with the help of a sorcerer but with the violent feuds going on, no sorcerer would dare help a beast.

"I'm just sooo~ happy! Grandpa! Guess who I met today!" Yuji is set down by his grandpa, the two taking a stroll through the grass of their lands.

"Stop shouting, I can hear just fine!" Wasuke huffs, glancing at his grandchild who gives him the cutest puppy eyes. "Alright alright, who did you meet today little tiger?"

"Prince Megumi! Grandpa, I think he's shy! He didn't really talk much but maybe that's because he's younger than the rest of us! He's so tiny and cute! He shared his treats with us too and stopped Prince Sukuna and Prince Gojo from fighting! He even brought over Lord Naoya who I think was too nervous about joining us!" Yuji rambles but his grandpa is patient, listening to his story with much interest despite it not being shown too much on his aged face.

"Hmm... not everyone is as talkative as you. Yuji, just remember to find happiness and think of others. That little Prince already has a lot on his plate so be a good boy and be patient with the child. Don't make him cry either or I'll give you a good spanking." His grandpa advices, half serious and half teasing, but Yuji genuinely listens, soaking in the words of his trusted family member.

"I will, promise, grandpa. I can't wait for you to meet him one day! I think you'll like him as much as I do!" Yuji is back to all smiles as he runs in front of his grandpa, facing him with his arms wide out. "He's perfect~!"

His grandpa snorts but then grins, "Perfect, huh? No way." He teases. Yuji dramatically gasps at this.

"Yes huh! He's perfect! You'll see! We'll be best friends and then married and then have lots of perfect babies! Perfect just like him! You'll see!" Yuji says confidently while his grandpa just laughs at the young boy's enthusiasm about a situation that others might not have been happy about.

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