Art Deco .1.

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Summary: Aether promises his heart and body to Albedo—his school crush, but when he gets a tutor who starts to get touchy with him he gets the wrong impression and does something very embarrassing.

Pairing(s):  Xiao x Aether, Albedo x Aether

Rating: M

Warning: Aether is a little dumb in this and you might get second hand embarrassment.


"I would hate for you to fail that class Aether sweetie, can you at least try to study a little harder?" Aether's mom was sitting down on the lower bottom of his bed as he typed away on his phone, texting his friends and asking them where they should hang out this weekend.

The blonde male gasps as his phone is suddenly snatched away, "Are you even listening to me? God Aether you're helpless! Your poor mother is trying to help you here and you're not even paying attention to what I'm saying!"

Aether reaches to get his phone back but his mom is quicker and lifts it up into the air before his fingers could get anywhere near it.

"I'm not giving you this until you get your grades back up. I don't care what it takes."

"What!" Aether sits up from his bed with wide eyes, "Mom please don't be like this! I'll study ok! Just don't take my phone away—If I tell my friends that I got it taken away they're gonna laugh at me." He pouts. He especially didn't want Albedo thinking he was still being babied and getting grounded. His crush would absolutely think he's not mature enough to date!

His mom shakes her head and pockets the device, "I've already made up my mind. You won't get it back until you get those grades up. That's what's important here hun."

"Mom please!"

"Actually, I heard from one of my coworkers that there's a good tutor that helps her daughter study and it's helped her a lot. It's gonna cost me but if it gets you to actually study instead of being on your phone the entire time then it's worth it."

A tutor?!

Oh god his friends are gonna humiliate him!

Baby Aether needs a tutor to help him study? How hilarious!

You have your own tutor? What a spoiled baby ahaha!

The image of Albedo pops in his head. "....You could've asked me for help. You know I would do anything for you Aether...." Okay, he would never say that to him but Aether has his fantasies.

"Aether are you not paying attention again? I said that I'll be paying him to come this Friday so you better clean up this mess in your room alright?" The blonde woman stands up, and leans over to kiss his head, "I'll give you your phone back if you behave."

Aether nods in defeat. There was no way he was gonna get his mom to change her mind now.

He was gonna have to wait till Friday, sit down in front of someone who he doesn't even know, and just do whatever they told him to do. It was simple enough. Besides, he might actually get some help in his studies and do better—and Albedo is gonna praise him for sure!


Friday quickly comes and Aether waits till the last second to clean up the mess in his room. He stuffs most of his dirty laundry under his bed, and throws all his never finished water bottles in his closet to hide.

He thinks about hiding all his plushies and rare squishmallows but decides against it. There was no way he was gonna fit all of them in his closet anyways. It's not worth the trouble.

Aether Centric One Shots 🔞 bttm!aetherWhere stories live. Discover now