The end?

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So BTS successfully saved mihan!. But she was still unconscious, "is she alright?" asked jimin with a concerned look "yeah I think she is...but she has bruises all over..." said seokjin while applying medicine to mihan's wounds. "I'm pretty sure that bastard did something to her!" said yoongi in frustration. "I agree" said jungkook. "guys, I think that Stefan is gonna come here" said namjoon "what are we gonna do?" asked taehyung. "I'm quite sure that we have more weapons than them, and when they arrive we can call the police" said namjoon. "alright then" said hoseok.

Meanwhile, "we need a lot of men, so this time they won't be alive" said Stefan on a call. "what are you doing brother??" asked katherine "bringing more men. So we could attack BTS, and this time they won't escape" said Stefan. "don't you think we already have enough men?" said katherine "We need more." said Stefan "but-" before Katherine could speak. "end of discussion Katherine" said Stefan and left. Soon Katherine took out her phone and dialed a number "We won't be needing more men, my brother said he doesn't need it" said Katherine and hung up.

Soon Stefan and his bodyguards headed towards the mansion with their family with them. "where are these people!? they're taking a lot of time!" yelled Stefan. Katherine gave a smirk. "what happened Stefan?" asked Robert "I asked for more men! but they haven't arrived yet!" yelled Stefan. "Calm down Stefan, we already have enough men" said angela.

Meanwhile at the mansion, "jimin where did you keep the enchanted stuff?" asked namjoon "I've kept it safe in our garage" replied jimin. "They won't find it" said jimin "you sure?" asked namjoon "yea" replied jimin. Mihan was in her room sleeping with jungkook and taehyung guarding her. "she looks so pretty" said taehyung. "what?" said jungkook "nothing" said taehyung "so you have a crush on her?" asked jungkook "yeah.." replied taehyung blushing. jungkook stayed silent.

Stefan and his bodyguards reached the mansion. "today's a really bad day for them" said Stefan with a smirk. Hoseok looked down from the window "guys! he's here!" shouted hoseok alerting the members. Hoseok called up the police "some guys are breaking into our mansion!" said hoseok with a fake crying voice. "we're on our way!" said the police and he hung up and gave a smirk.Stefan entered the mansion and said "won't you welcome me?" said Stefan "oh come out already! we know you're here!" said Stefan. Suddenly the lights turn on, "yes, we're here" said namjoon and came out from where he was hiding. "happy death day namjoon" said Stefan with a smirk. "same to you Stefan" said namjoon smiling. All the members come out, "wait- no one's scared?" asked Stefan "no" said yoongi clenching his teeth. "get the enchanted stuff" said Stefan to his bodyguards. The bodyguards headed to mihan's room. Just then, they heard a loud gunshot! The BTS members started laughing, "what are you laughing at?" asked Stefan "looks like your bodyguard died" said jimin laughing. just then they hear another gunshot "sad, both of your bodyguards died" said seokjin. Jungkook and taehyung come downstairs. "turns out I'm really good at shooting people!" said jungkook. "me too" said taehyung with a smirk. "take these guys down.NOW." said stefan and his bodyguards started attacking BTS. You can hear police sirens coming closer. Just then They throw their weapons away and start screaming "stop hurting us!" said hoseok. "you're breaking into our house!" said seokjin. "what's going on here!?" said a police officer as he entered the mansion "they are breaking into our house sir!" said yoongi "arrest them!" said the police officer and arrested Stefan, Katherine,angela and Robert "We didn't do anything!" shouted angela. "goodbye Stefan" whispered yoongi with a smirk "I'll come back!" shouted Stefan. 

They successfully arrested the mansons. Mihan comes downstairs rubbing her eyes. "what's happening?" she asked "long story" said seokjin laughing "we'll tell you" said hoseok with a smile. They soon tell her everything that happened. "wow! that's unbelievable!" said mihan. They soon did a group hug "I love you guys! you saved my life" said mihan crying "we'll do anything for you" said jimin "he's right" said namjoon. "finally, we can go back to our normal lives!" said taehyung "yeah!" replied jungkook

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