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They soon reached the 3rd round, where they saw sleeping mothmen." oh no, do we have to fight them?" whispered hoseok, "I don't think so" said namjoon while picking up a paper lying down. "what's that?" asked taehyung. "let me read it" said namjoon.

                                                    𝑻𝒐 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒄𝒉 𝒕𝒉𝒚 𝒅𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 

                                                      𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒏𝒆𝒆𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒚 𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒍𝒍

                                               𝒔𝒐 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒍𝒐𝒓𝒅𝒔 𝒘𝒐𝒏'𝒕 𝒑𝒖𝒏𝒊𝒔𝒉 𝒚𝒐𝒖

"what does that mean?" asked jimin "it means that to reach the next round we need to stay still so the mothmen won't eat us" said namjoon. "oh I get it! we just need to pause! " said jungkook "yeah right" replied namjoon. "let's do this" said yoongi. They all slowly move across the mothmen, suddenly one of them is awake. They all stay still without moving, the giant creature examines them and then goes back to his sleep. "that was close!" seokjin whispered. They continued walking. They soon reached the end. They all took a last glance at the room and headed to the last and final round.

When they reached the last round "congratulations for passing the 4th round" said the loud voice. The 4th room was quiet "what do you think we have to do?" asked jimin "I don't even know" replied jungkook. The distant voices could be still heard. "whatever we have to do, we have to do it fast before Stefan comes!" said yoongi


Stefan and his men reached the vault "they must be here" said stefan in frustration. "let's go inside" commanded Stefan to his men. They went inside, "we have to complete the levels" said one of Stefan's bodyguards "I know!" he replied. They soon went inside and saw the armored suits, They quickly finished beating round 1 because they had more men. They headed to the second round and saw that BTS was nowhere to be found "they must've finished this level as well!" said Stefan furiously. He pushed one of his bodyguards to go play the game, but unfortunately, Stefan's bodyguard failed and he was eaten by a giant snake, "ugh he was too dumb" said Stefan and sent another one of his bodyguards, this time he succeeded and headed to the 3rd round.

BTS was still in the last round figuring out what to do when soon the room was struck with lights and in front of them was the biggest obstacle and the biggest temptation mihan. "mihan?" said jungkook in a confused tone. "what are you doing here?" asked seokjin "of course trying to prevent you from breaking the rock" said mihan. Namjoon slowly moved forward and said "mihan, this is not you. You have been hypnotized. You need to come back to us!" said namjoon. "huh rubbish" said mihan. "no it's not! you need to remember!" said namjoon. "hyung let me do this!" said taehyung as he slowly marched forward. mihan was looking back and forth from namjoon to taehyung. "remember the vacations we used to go on together! the fun we had on our tour! how can you forget that?" said taehyung. Mihan seemed to calm down at taehyung's words. "the time we snuck out on the roof to see the stars" said taehyung. Mihan had a slight smile on her face. "it's working!" whispered hoseok. "please come back to us" said taehyung.

But then suddenly the huge door swung open to reveal Stefan and his men. "oh no" said jungkook. "well, look what we have here" said Stefan with a sinister in his voice. "stay away" warned yoongi. "maybe you should" said stefan. While others were distracted talking, taehyung tried to bring mihan back, Stefan noticed it. "attack them" he commanded and all his men started attacking BTS "don't let them reach mihan!" shouted namjoon. "remember the time we used to binge-watch shows together?" said taehyung. A guy almost was gonna take taehyung and mihan down when namjoon just in time held him off "we can't hold them any longer! bring mihan to her senses back!" said namjoon. Taehyung looked into mihan's eyes "I won't let anything happen to you" said taehyung and kissed mihan and came apart to see their old mihan back. "where the hell am I?" asked mihan "you back!" said taehyung and hugged her. "are we in the vault?" asked mihan "yes we are! I'll tell you everything that happened later!" said taehyung "she's back!" shouted taehyung which made everyone in the room look towards him. "go to the 5th room and destroy the rock now!" said namjoon. "mihan you need to go!" said taehyung "alright! but be careful!" said mihan.

Mihan rushed to the other room. She was speechless when she looked at the gorgeous room. "I never expected this to be so beautiful" said mihan. She quickly looked for the rock, She ran towards the other side of the room and saw a throne-like structure where the rock was nestled. She slowly walked towards it and held the rock. She took a deep breath and smashed it hard on the ground as it broke into pieces there was shiny light coming out of it.Mihan could hear screams echoing. "maybe it's of the mothmen" she thought to herself. A few minutes later everything was quiet. She looked around one last time and headed back to where BTS and Stefan's hypnotized men were fighting.

Mihan slowly went back to the room and saw everyone standing still. "you're back!" said hoseok and hugged mihan. "what did you do?" asked stefan, All his hypnotized men were coming back to their senses. "where are we?" they asked "you had been hypnotized to kill us but don't worry you are alright now" said namjoon "who did this?" asked a police officer. Jimin pointed at stefan. "you! come with us now!" said the officer and took him away. "well, finally! a happy ending!" said yoongi "yay!" shouted jungkook. "thanks to you" said namjoon. "it's not a big deal" said mihan.

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