Amusement park..

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The next day...

Mihan was just sleeping for the rest of the day, cause she needed rest. While other members were doing random stuff. Namjoon went to the garage and took out mihan's box. He took out the book which mihan found in the library. "let me read this" he said to himself and took that book to his room. The rest of the day he read the book, and found out terrible stuff. He continued reading.

It was 8:00 pm.

"namjoon come downstairs! let's have dinner!" shouted seokjin from downstairs. Namjoon took his glasses off, closed the book and went downstairs. "where's mihan?" he asked "she's coming" said hoseok. "alright" replied namjoon. After a few minutes mihan came down "finally! you're here!" said jungkook. "how you feeling?" asked hoseok "better" replied mihan. "that's good to hear" said seokjin "also um, mihan i found a book in your box and i read it, is that okay?" asked namjoon "of course it's totally alright!" mihan replied. "alright" said namjoon. "guys, we've been through so much! so i was thinking maybe we should go out sometime" said jimin "yeah we should go out" said taehyung "great idea" said jungkook. "we'll go to an amusement park tomorrow!" said hoseok. "yay!" said mihan.

Next day

They all got dressed up to go to the amusement park. "you look always" said yoongi leaning on mihan's bedroom door. "woah! you scared me" said mihan "oops sorry" said yoongi "your ready?" asked mihan "yup" said yoongi. Yoongi walked towards mihan, Mihan looked yoongi with a what-do-you-want? look. He suddenly turned mihan around and kissed her. Mihan froze for a moment but then kissed back, a long and passionate kiss. They soon came apart "I'm so happy to have you back" said yoongi "me too" replied mihan. Yoongi gave mihan a small peck on the lips and said "shall we go?" extending his arm out. "of course!" said mihan taking his hand.

They all met outside "shall we go?" asked namjoon "let's go!" said jungkook. They talked about random things, listened to music and acted like crackheads. "we're here!" said namjoon "yay! let's go!" said mihan and jumped out of the car. "what should we do first?" asked seokjin "ride roller coasters of course!" said mihan "i'm in!" said jungkook "me too!" said taehyung "not me!" said hoseok "me and hoseok will go eat-" before seokjin could continue "nope! too late! you're coming us!" said mihan and dragged them to the roller coasters "i can't wait to see your faces!" said yoongi "me too!" said namjoon.

They sat in the roller coaster, With me and hoseok together in the first seat, and the rest of them behind us. "you ready?" I asked hoseok "no.." he said in a scared. "you don't need to be when i'm here!" said mihan and held hoseok's hand. He blushed "As you say.." said hoseok. The ride began "oh no.." said hoseok. I held hoseok's hand even tighter. The ride had twists and turns! "IM GONNA FALL!" screamed hoseok "NO YOU WON'T!" mihan shouted "SHUT UP!" shouted yoongi from the backseat. 

The ride finally ended, "see you made it!" said mihan to hoseok and seokjin "yeah! we made it!" said seokjin happily. "let's go find something to eat!" said jimin. We soon reached a fast food place. "What do you guys want?" asked jimin . they all ordered what we wanted "Taehyung and i will bring that for you guys!" said jimin "yeah!" saiid taehyung "thanks! you guys are angels!" said mihan.

After 15 minutes, we all could see jimin and taehyung bringing our food. Mihan waved at them. They both waved back. Suddenly 2 people dressed in black come behind them. "uh...who are they?" asked mihan pointing at the guys dressed in black "i don't know" said jungkook.

They took out knives, Mihan's eyes widen "GUYS LOOK OUT!" shouted mihan. Taehyung and jimin looked at mihan with a confused face and turned back. Both men stabbed taehyung and jimin. "you'll regret it" whispered the guy to jimin and taehyung. They both collapsed to the ground. "JIMIN!" Mihan shouted "HYUNG!" jungkook shouted. They quickly ran towards them. " wake up!" said mihan. They didn't shake a little bit "what the hell happened!?"  asked yoongi "Someone stabbed them!" said jungkook "we need to take them to the hospital! FAST!" said hoseok. They quickly took them to the hospital. And waited outside the ICU "how did this even happen?" asked namjoon with tears in his eyes. "we don't know.." said jungkook crying. Everyone was crying or was on the verge of crying. The doctor came out of the ICU and said "You guys brought them to the hospital just in time! or else we couldn't have saved them" said the doctor "Are they okay now?!" asked seokjin "yeah they're fine.." said the doctor "can we see them?" asked jungkook "I'm afraid not..they need some rest.." said the doctor "sure.." said jungkook. Everyone was relieved and happy. It was all over the internet about Jimin and taehyung's incident. 

"I hope our Oppas are fine!"

"I'm gonna pray for them!"

"Oppa! we miss you!"

Many armys tweeted and posted on weverse. Jungkook posted something on his weverse saying.. "i'm so thankful that jimin and taehyung are better now". Many armys were really happy! hearing the good news! 

"but...who were the people in black?" 

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