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So a little back story about why I am writing here.
I was a hardcore Twice stan, like I was really so into them. My bias is Mina, I love her elegance and her attitude in Sixteen.

And so, long story short, Iz*1 announced their disbandment. I didn't know them still, but when I saw that article I got curious and then BOOM!

After a day, I found myself watching all of their Korean Title tracks. Then just after watching every content I saw on YT abt them, I knew I still want to follow them.

It just took me 2or3 months to watch all of their contents in YT. I knew back then that there was something more then I decided to watch PD48 from the very beginning. That's when I love them more and more. Knowing where they start and how they struggle makes me want to stan them more even though they're in different paths now.

Happy for them, with whatever they decided to do. Some might took a long time to move on and that's perfectly fine. No one should tell you when to let go or not, specially, if you were there since the beginning. It probably hurt so bad for some people. But we got to accept it.

PUP was great, they gave Wiz*One hope and they kept us from hurting so much. Unfortunately, it didn't work the way we wanted it to be. To bring back the 12 of them.

It's fine tho, for me. Wherever and whatever they go and do, it's nice to found 12 girls who dreamed the same dream before. I'm happy to found them at the time I needed someone the most. And other kpop stans have same story, I bet.

Take your time and learn to accept it, if you can't move on yet. And by means of moving on, doesn't imply that you'll leave them completely right? Just leave it all in the past and look at it as a happy memory. It'll be better that way.

It'll probably rip my heart when Twice.. y'know HAHAHAHAHA.

Then that was it, I stopped my college because of whatever reason and when I still have nothing to do and debating whether to find a job or not, I started to just vent out everything here. The stories here just really came out from nowhere.

(September 21, 2020)



I found a job and I'm currently working! who would've thought? HAHAHAHHA

My job started the first week of October, it was going smoothly at the first month. I was able to adjust, but it's Christmas Season, everybody is busy and the job itself became so so so so stressful. I'm 19 yrs old and this is my first ever regular job so I'm stressed out. I don't wanna give up, I know I just need some rest. I never thought making this much money can be this hard. What kind of world we live in? HAHHAHAHAHA good thing my mates ain't psychopaths (just kidding), they're actually great, i get to tag along with them after work. I guess we are all stressed out this past week.

Anyways, I'm busy so that's why the last story (Silence) still haven't been updated yet, I do apologize for that. I can't still think of a better way to end it off. I have an idea actually but it wasn't a happy ending so... I guess I'll think of something way better hahahahaha.

And this new story that I wrote... i wrote it last September, the plot just crossed my kind randomly.. idk HAHAHHAHA. But to compensate the story I left unfinished, I offer you guys this. Hope you guys like it.

I will still do my best to update and revise some chaps. I'm actually done with some chaps, its just need a little more proofreading.

Thank you! Hope you guys will like it!

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