Planetary Go! ( a short Danger Day themed story )

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Note: This was originally a science assignment , but it's MCR fiction, and It was loved by a lot of people, so yeah :) ,.. Enjoy c:  ALSO , the font gets bigger in the middle of the story, which is fucking weird, but whatever xD k bye c:


Red-dyed hair stuck to his damp and sweaty forehead, a small blush crept upon his cheeks as his paper white skin was once again exposed to the radiating sun. A sun Gerard hasn't seen in over six months, since he, his brother, and I have gone into hiding.

It's been about a year ago since Better living Industries (BL/ind for short) had taken over Battery City, a small town in California. Gerard and his younger brother, Mikey, were in one of the patrol vans, hand-cuffed by the Draculoids when I first found them. I was searching for survivors, and lucky for them, I managed to break into the patrol van.

Survivors of what, you may ask? Pills. Pills, white as blindness itself, that BL/ind forced down the throats of the citizens of Battery City. These pills have an intense drug effect that brainwashes you, and the way you think. I've seen old friends and relatives become these things that don't even have a mind of their own. They just walk around, obediant to ANY command given by either the Draculoids or other BL/ind enforcements. However, not everyone took the pills.

Unlike the less fortunate, some, like myself, fought back and managed to escape. No one knows where they go, but Gerard, Mikey, and I have chosen to hide in an abandoned underground train station that was forgotten years before any of us were even born. In order to survive, we knew we needed food and water supply, so all three of us agreed to be responsible for one thing.

Mikey was in charge of getting food, since he was fast and very sneaky. I was in charge of getting the water and weaponry, managing to get us all lazer beam guns that BL/ind provide in white vending machines, and gallons of water from a nearby well. Gerard was in charge of gaurding the place while we went out, but he added the job of providing "extras," like finding a few blankets in the Lost and Found area, and a neat black vest he found for me. He found pretty interesting things in there, such as the dye he used to change his jet black locks to a vibrant shade of red, and a dozen boxes of cigarettes we all enjoyed.

We lived well, not having any interactions with the Draculoids at all. It was last night, as the three of us ate cans of dog food that Mikey managed to snatch from a nearby diner, that Gerard spoke about leaving the train station. " I think it's time we did something about this." he spoke as I munched on what tasted like vegetarian steak.

He first looked at Mikey, who's swept-back light brown hair glimmered from the light the fire ( in which i had made in a trash bin ) gave off. Mikey looked down at his food, then looked up at Gerard to nod in agreement. "I think it's time," he said as he looked back to his food agian.

"Frank?" Gerard called to me, patiently awaiting my answer. I looked away, studying the dirty benches that once seated thousands of people back before it all happened. Before BL/ind took over.. before my parents were taken from me. "Okay," i agreed and watched as Gerard smiled enthusiasticly.

Now, that same smile was on his face, as the sun warmed his cheeks just like it had done a long time ago. His hazel-green eyes glow as he observes the vacant dirt field in front of us. Exactly one mile away

- as Mikey had explained - was BL/ind's Headquarters, a factory as white as the pills.

I held my lazerbeam gun close, and easily in my reach just in case anything was out there to suprise us. When i looked toward Mikey and Gerard, they were doing the same, except their hands both quivered with fear. I frowned, walking a bit faster, so that I could walk in front of them. I blew a black strand of hair that tickled my nose away, before slightly turning my head to the brothers. "Are you guys ready?"

Mikey hesitated, "Y-Yeah, I mean, I took Karate classes when I was like in the 8th grade." I turn to face him, smirking in slight disbelief. "You took Karate classes?" I watch as Mikey looks at the floor, chewing at the inside of his cheek, "Yes." I nod with satisfaction, and keep walking.

When I accidently tripped on a shrub that poked out of the cement sidewalk, I began to observe more of the street we were on. The wind blew gently at the signs of old Motels and burned down diners, while wooden doors creeked loudly. The paint from every building was chipping, losing colour from the dust and dirt that stung at the surface, and the windows were either spray painted white, or broken to shards.

"Oh my.." Gerard trailed off as he walked toward a small building that seemed burned down. There was only half of the door left, bits of black ash covered most of the bottom, looking like dripping ink. The windows of the building were spray painted white, and the patio's wooden stairs were broken in half. Gerard carefully stepped over the stairs, reluctantly opening the half-door. Mikey nudged my shoulder, signaling for me to go in there with him. He patted his front pocket where his lazer beam gun was, " I'll stand watch; you'll only be there for a bit anyways."

I nodded, going in the building with Gerard, who was standing in a doorway that led to a different room. I looked around the room i was in, noticing a loveseat couch, splattered with what looked like brown paint. Suddenly, something-- no, someone pushed passed my shoulder. Startled, i grabbed my lazer beam gun, and pointed it at the direction it came from.

No one was there, and i noticed Gerard had left. I went to where he was standing in the doorway that lead to a different room, puzzled and trying to figure out what it was that roughly pushed by me. I accidently stepped on something, and made a loud crunch sound. Peering down at my worn out Converse shoe, white powder gently errupted from beneath it, then, in about 30 seconds later, turned into black liquid.

I gasped, slipping on another object and falling on my bottom. I soon realized that i had slipped on a small round ball.


Not a ball.. A pill.

I quickly lifted myself, and dashed out the building. Maybe that brown paint wasn't brown paint at all; maybe it was dried blood. I came outside to Gerard sobbing into Mikey's shoulder, mumbling words that i couldn't quite comprehend. Mikey had small tears trickling down his cheek, then down his jawline. He looked up at me, the sorrow and pain that filled his eyes nudged at my heart.

Gerard stopped sobbing, regaining his ability to speak fluently. " Frank, that building was my house, a-a-and that blood," he abruptly hugged me, "was mine."

A wave of shock flowed throughout my body as I tried to absorb what Gerard had just told me. It was his blood? No way. No way. No way. I hugged him tighter, and he sobbed louder. How could they? How DARE they? BL/ind just felt free to bombard on normal people's lives, completely destroying the lives of the kids from yesturday, traumatizing the teenage survivors, aboloshing the parents who's love and care used to run the world, and they all lived off it. They fed off the pain, the tragedy, the salty tears and beads of sweat.

They were going to pay. For harming Gerard, for scaring him and Mikey, for taking my parents, for ruining Battery City, for even existing.

Out of the destraction of my thoughts, my arms that hugged Gerard, who had finished crying, grew tense and startled him. He broke away, sniffing, and looking down.

"They're going to pay," I whisper. Mikey and Gerard both look up at me, raising one of their perfect eyebrows. "THEY'RE GOING TO PAY!" I practically shouted, startling Mikey, but greatly supported by Gerard. Gerard's expression changed from saddened and weak, to compassionate and determined.

I smirked at him, "Let's go." He nodded, and signaled Mikey , who obeyed and walked right behind us.

"Forget walking, let's make a run for it!" Gerard says eagerly, and through this, i can easily feel the adrenaline he felt. " We're about thirty feet away," Mikey warned, " Be ready." We all grabbed out lazer beam guns, still running. We could see the White factory up ahead, as well as three Draculoids gaurding the doors. "Keep Running! Keep Running!" Gerard yelled, then tossing me a cigarette. Lighting the cigarette, I chewed on the butt of it, then loaded my gun.

"Let's do this." I say from the side of my mouth. Gerard's vibrant red hair glows brighter than ever as he runs, and Mikey's smile is wider than i have seen before. I knew, feeling it in my heart, that we were going to win this battle. We're going to get our sweet revenge.

"Keep Running!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2013 ⏰

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