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~ Flashback; Anaris, age 13 ~

"Up right," Ser Rodrik called out from the sidelines of the fighting ring, my wooden sword slashed quickly past Theon defences whacking him with the broad side of the very heavy sword, Theon stumbled and stopped.

"You went down left!" He shouted, his 12 year old body struggling to bring air into his body "you cheated!" He raised his eyes to mine when I laughed.

"Who said there were rules, Squid?" I asked him and gestured with my sword for him to stand back up "when you're fighting someone they're not going to call out where they're going to strike you, you'd be a fool to believe that" Theon made a strangled noise and lunged without warning but I was already away from him and in an easy defensive stance like Ser Rodrik had taught me "come on Squid, I've seen Old Nan move faster then that" I giggled and moved from his thrust again.

"Wolfling stop playing with him" father called from above where he stood with mother, I laughed again and swept Theon off his feet before he could lunge at me once more.

"M'lady, a raven from Dorne" Maester Luwin called from the sidelines, my attention was taken away from Theon and drawn to the parchment that Luwin held in his hand tightly, there was a yell and Theon struck me in the arm with a triumphant laugh.

"Gods, Squid!" I growled, my arm was throbbing painfully, I turned and struck him in the stomach with the hilt of my sword as he turned to Robb to boast "you complain about rules" I shook my head and I rolled my eyes before taking my leave from the training ring I met with Luwin who was talking quietly to mother and father, "what does it say!" I said excitedly, my parents both knew I had written to the great houses of Dorne and Braavos but they thought no one would answer back, it had been two months since I'd sent my ravens and even I had given up hope and begged Ser Rodrik to teach me "good news I hope" I grinned as Luwin handed over the parchment with a solemn face and shared a look with mother, "this is House Martell's sigil" I ripped open the scroll and read it quickly, "Prince Doran is happy to house me while a man named Syrio Forel will teach me the art of Water Dancing"

"Wolfing, Dorne is far" mother said in a pleading fashion that made me sigh sadly, I knew she didn't like that I wanted to fight, that I wouldn't take no for an answer.

"I know mother, but if I want to get better then I have to go, Ser Rodrik has his hands full with Robb, Jon and Theon, Gods know he has his work cut out" I said and looked over my shoulder and Theon jokingly pulled Robb into a headlock and they began shouting at one another "I've done my lessons mother, Septa Mordane says my needle work is almost perfect" I looked to father and then back at her "please, mother I promise that I'll continue my lessons while in Dorne" I clasped my hands together and prayed she'd say yes.

"Cat, she has done everything we've asked," father said quietly, mother looked from him to me and blinked rapidly.

"Do as you wish" she muttered before leaving us, I raised my hand to stop her, I wanted to say I was sorry, to tell her that I loved her but father shook his head.

"Send a reply to Prince Doran, tell him that Anaris will arrive within in a months time" father said to Maester Luwin, he nodded and left us "walk with me Wolfling" we left Ser Rodrik to deal with the boys who were now wrestling in the dirt.

He lead me silently into the Godswood and only spoke when we were at the foot of the Heart Tree "I wish she could understand" I mumbled as I stooped down and touched the icy water of the pond that was close to the base of the Heart Tree.

"Your mother loves you dearly, Wolfling, we both do" father said, watching me create ripples on the surface of the pond "Do you know what happened to Elia Martell and her children?" He asked suddenly, I looked up and shook my head slowly, I knew she had died along with her children when King Aerys was killed by Jaime Lannister, but Maester Luwin shut down any of my questions about her, saying I wasn't old enough, "when the Lannister's sacked Kings landing, Tywin Lannister ordered Elia and her children to be murdered, one of his banner men was the one who did it but not before he raped and almost cut her in half, he brutality murdered her and her children before dumping them in the throne room and covering them in Lannister red" father closed his eyes tightly, "my sister was taken by Rhaegar Targaryen, your mother fears that they could harbour so much hate for our house that they could hurt you"

I looked back at the pond and dipped my fingers into the water "I'm not a Lannister," I said quietly before standing up and smiling softly "I'm a Stark of Winterfell, I am going to go to Dorne and show them that if they have no ill will towards me then I will never do anything against them, and if they do then I will show them that we wolves have teeth and claws just as the Lannister's do" I met fathers eyes and he chuckled before pulling me into a tight embrace.

"My father, your grandfather, used to say that Lyanna had the Wolf's Blood running through her veins, you are very much like Lyanna" he chuckled and kissed my forehead gently "whatever you decide to do next I will be proud of you" he cupped my cheek and wiped the tears that were now running down my face "I will always love you Anaris, never forget that"

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