Chapter 5 ~ Valar Morghulis

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We'd traveled though out the next day and night, but it felt like four lifetimes especially when Jaime kept trying to provoke Brienne into fighting him, I'd clobbered him several times to shut him up but he didn't take the warning and he just kept going, so I gave up and just shoved a hood on his head when Brienne hefted him into horseback.

"You do realise...." Jaime said behind me, his words slightly muffled by the hood that covered his face, he held the back of my tunic as I steered the horse over tree roots.

"I know, I know you'll get me back for doing this to you" I sighed and shook my head "I'm so scared" I muttered sarcastically.

"When we get back to Kings Landing I'm going to tie you to our bed" my hands tightened on the horses reins and I swallowed my gasp "it's been months since I've properly held you" I felt his head touch the back of mine lightly.

"I like when you do things to me" I replied back quietly, I was hoping Brienne couldn't hear us because she'd be disgusted by what we were talking so casually about, most noble Ladies didn't talk like this.

"I know you do, and when I get out of these ties...." His comment was left hanging when Brienne stopped abruptly and got off her horse, she practically tossed Jaime to the ground and I followed suit, she slapped both horses hindquarters and the two animals took off without a thought, she then ripped Jaime to his feet and removed his hood.

"You're much uglier in daylight," Jaime commented as Brienne tied us together when she didn't react Jaime spoke again "What's your name? I'm Jaime Lannister of Casterly Rock, son of Tywin" he said proudly, he glanced at me when I sighed deeply and rolled my eyes "you've already met my beautiful wife"

"Suck up" I mumbled as Brienne once again ignored him and pulled the rope that tied us and towards the bank of the Red Fork, she was doing the safe thing and we were going the back roads to get to Kings Landing.

"A captive knight has a right to know his captor's identity" Jaime urged as she shoved him roughly over a trees root.

"Brienne of Tarth" she grumbled and she helped me gently over the root as well, I began to walk next to Jaime as he kept repeating the word Tarth over and over under his breath, clearly trying to remember where he'd heard the name before.

"Crescent moons and starbursts," I supplied as Brienne kept silent behind us she was probably scanning the area looking for people "Lord Selwyn Tarth" Jaime looked at me and nodded.

"Ah, Your father," he said to Brienne over his shoulder "Do you have any brothers and sisters, my lady?" When she didn't reply once more he kept talking.

"It's a long way to King's Landing," I told him in warning, he was getting on my nerves and I could practically hear Brienne seething.

"Might as well get to know one another" Jaime stated with a shrug, he had nothing better to do and it was obvious that captivity had made him extra talkative, "Have you known many men? I suppose not Women? Horses?" Brienne had had enough of Jaime's mouthing off because she shoved him into his knees at the bank of the Red Fork where a small boat was tied up "Ow," he complained as I had to stretch out my arms and stoop so the ropes wouldn't pull on the skin of my wrists "I didn't mean to give offense, my lady" he shot me a look when I muttered out 'liar' "Forgive me" he almost pretended to simper but stop short when I started to laugh.

Brienne looked off down the river, concerned of being seen from a small bridge that looked deserted "Your crimes are past forgiveness, Kingslayer" she said quietly, I could see she was getting quietly angry at Jaime, while Brienne was quiet and stoic she had a small tick in her jaw whenever Jaime opened his mouth.

"Why does she hate me so much?" Jaime asked looking up at me with innocent looking eyes "Have I ever harmed you?" He asked Brienne who sighed.

"You've harmed others, those you were sworn to protect, the weak, the innocent," she spat out, she and mother didn't believe that Jaime was with me when Bran fell from the broken tower, even after I swore on my sword that Jaime wasn't involved, the incident with father that led us to this situation though, that was partially his fault attacking my father was stupid and Jaime was well aware of that fact now.

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