Chapter 4 ~ A Man Without Honour

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My dirty boots were on the war table, my fighting clothes were also soaked and covered in mud, when I had entered Robb's war tent Karstark was not impressed when I poured a glass of wine and flopped down next to him, Ser Alton had been sent to the Red Keep to give Cersei our demands and he was returned relatively unscathed.

Robb eyed Alton as he told us about what had happened "And what did she say?" Robb said interrupting Alton's stuttering, the young Lannister was terrified with good reason.

"She... Uh... She admired your spirit, your Grace" Alton said causing me to snort, that was Cersei's way of saying 'fuck you' which I used to find admirable but now I'm finding it irritating.

"And what then?" Robb asked Alton who was shaking in fear, he was worried about what was going to happen to him after he told us what Cersei had done.

"She, uh.." he swallowed loudly and looked around at most of the Northern lords, a lot of them had their eyes on him while their hands rested on their swords.

"Ser Alton, if every man were held accountable for the actions of every distant relative, we'd all hang" I said making him relax slightly and the men chuckled in agreement.

"She tore the paper in half, Your Grace" he shifted slightly.

"She did the same with Robert's last words that father had written down" I said to Robb who hummed in agreement "she's getting very good at that"

"You've acted with honour, I thank you for it" Robb said and Alton bowed slightly "make sure Ser Alton gets a hot supper, have the men build him a new pen, put him back in with the Kingslayer for now" Robb told Lord Karstark who nodded.

"Have your boy watch over them" I said quietly to Rickard who looked over his shoulder and shouted for Torrhen and Torrhen left with his new ward.

"That will be all" the men left with bows and mumbling to one another about Cersei's actions, Roose lingered, looking like he wanted to say something but left when a woman entered wearing a blood-stained apron, she was cleaning her hands with a rag that looked to be in the same condition, I eyed her as I sipped my wine slowly, "you can leave Ris," Robb said pulling my attention from the woman.

"Hmm..." I took another sip and looked between the two with a small smirk, this had to be lady Talisa who Robb was sweet on, "no, I'm quite comfortable and I have nothing else to do" I grinned when Robb glared at me.

"Ris," he pointed at the opening of the tent opening, I got up with a laugh and drained the rest of my wine.

"Fine, I'm going" I walked past him and kissed his cheek gently "don't mess this up" I mumbled and dodged his arm as he went to smack me lightly, I laughed again and strolled past Talisa who was watching us with amusement "Lady Talisa, be sure to keep my brother in line" I said loud enough for Robb to hear me, something hit my back and I looked to the ground behind me and saw one of Robb's gloves "now, now that's no way for a king to act" I snatched his other glove as it flew towards me "I'm keeping this as evidence" I grinned at his sour face and curtsied to Talisa and dashed from the tent before Robb could throw something even heavier at me.


I threw my knife into the table, leaving nicks and chunks of wood littered as I removed it over and over, Jaime had killed Alton and Torrhen and escaped during the night, Karstark and his men were out for blood and some of them had already cornered me early in the morning, my lip and ribs still hurt from where I had met with their boots after they'd found me in the bath, I was lucky Bolton had seen them enter the bathing tent minutes before, who knew what those men would've done if Bolton hadn't gutted them.

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