Chapter 3 ~ The Old Gods and New

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I dismounted the horse and entered the tent, I began throwing things into not only my trunk but mothers as well "what was he thinking? Riling up Stannis like that?" I muttered as mother entered the tent and just watched as I turned to everything in a frenzy of grabbing hands and curses.

"What exactly are you doing?" She asked as I threw a dress that was delivered from High Garden, thanks to Margaery and her father.

"We're leaving as soon as it gets dark," I said, I turned to her and saw she was wringing her hands in worry, she'd never seen me this panicked "the Red Woman and Stannis are planning something and it became obvious that Renly isn't going to heed their warnings or threats" mother turned her head away and sighed.

"Renly has gone to plan in his war tent, we have to stay to bid our farewells or else it will be taken as a great insult" she said with a shake of her head "and we still haven't gotten an agreement from Renly about helping your brother"

I growled angry at the situation "when he has a moment we'll talk to him, Renly will hopefully agree" I sighed and rubbed at the ache that had formed behind my eyes, it was going to be a long wait.


Night had fallen when Renly had finally decided to allow us to actually talk to him, he'd been in his war tent heavily guarded and Brienne was definitely not one to be trifled with.

Mother and I sat across the table from Renly, while Brienne stood guard, a scowl on her face and a red mark on her cheek when we'd come to blows earlier, I was also sporting a very nasty welt on my arm where she'd hit me with the flat side of her sword in warning.

"You swear it?" Renly asked us as he poured us some wine, our eyes met briefly and I quirked an eyebrow in question.

"By the mother" mother spoke up, she sounded as desperate as I felt to get out of this camp and on the road to Robb.

"Robb has no interest in the Iron Throne," I told him, my eyes begging him to see that we weren't lying, he took a long sip of wine and then finally nodded.

"Then I see no reason for hostility between us, Your son can go on calling himself King in the North" Renly said causing me to smile broadly, "The Starks will have dominion over all lands north of Moat Cailin, provided he swears me an oath of fealty" a lump formed in my throat, last time mother agree to anything Robb had been betrothed to a Frey for a bridge.

"And the wording of this oath?" I asked, I met my mothers eyes for a moment, she was still in trouble with Robb about betrothing him without seeing the woman first, we all knew the Frey's weren't the most pleasing to the eye, or the nose.

"The same Ned Stark swore to Robert eighteen years ago," I hummed in agreement, it did sound responsible, the oath was simple but it was held with the utmost respect and loyalty "Cat, their friendship held the kingdoms together" he touched mothers hand and she sighed, thinking deeply.

"And in return for my brother's loyalty?" I asked making Renly look at me and smiled, there was a glint in his eye which meant he had a plan and it wasn't going to be a good one.

"In the morning, I'll destroy my brother's army," he let go of my mothers hand and stood up "when that's done, Baratheon and Stark will fight their common enemy together, as they have done many times before" as he spoke he crossed the tent to where Brienne was standing and she help remove his cloak in front of the looking glass.

"Our two houses have always been close, which is why I am begging you to reconsider this battle" mother urged him as only a mother could, with a soft voice and nice words.

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