My Dear Amiga

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This is for you AliceSplutus

My dear amiga...

Thank you for coming into my life.

My dear amiga....

You are the best thing that happened to me.

I was living all my life alone till you came.....

I was talking gibberish to myself till you came.

Maybe you are moody...

Maybe you are crazy...

Maybe you are lunatic...

But you are still my amiga.

We haven't met till today....

But still, you know me better than  myself.

You complete my half texts...

You complete my half stories...

Because we have the same brain cells....

I know we are different like poles..

But still our thoughts are always the same....

I am living my life in sane because of your insane behaviour.

Now I have only one question for myself.....

What will I do without you

My dear amiga.......

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