⚠️Drarry 1650 E

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It's stupid.
It's really stupid.
It's incredibly stupid but for whatever reason Harry bloody Potter has a exhibitionist kink.

During advanced potions Harry's mind will wander to having a warm body seated on his own, whispering moans into his ear with their body hidden in his invisibility cloak. This warm body is always a slim male with white blonde hair, fair skin that turns white in the moonlight and pale, icy blue eyes that darken or lighten with their emotions.
Harry can so vividly feel the male against him, small, slender body hidden from everyone else's view except his own, hitched breaths and unintelligible mumbling for his ears alone.
It gets him so hard under his robes imagining the cold temperamented male fuck himself on Harry's dick in the middle of class with Hermione beside him none the wiser and he can feel the phantom squeeze of the male's insides around his cock, making him muffle a groan.

Professor Snape's eyes roll over Harry's flushed face before moving to another student, one row behind Harry and the other side of the room where the subject of Harry's intimate obsession sits, Draco Malfoy, completely aloof and enragingly calm even when slinging insults at Harry and his friends.
Harry secretly wonders if the blonde has a degradation kink, never seeming fazed by the insults getting thrown back at him but always surprised when someone physically reacts, like Hermione did in their 5th year.
Now Harry imagines Draco fucking himself on his dick while Harry whispers insults down at him, making Draco clamp his mouth shut to stop himself from moaning out into the classroom and getting Snape to discover them.

Harry can just imagine Draco's face blush red as all his pale skin and flushed pink nipples are exposed to Snape and the other students, still prettily perched on Harry's lap with his eyes round and innocent as they glitter with unshed tears.
Harry imagines having to cover him up as he sobs, the first time he's ever been vulnerable around his classmates and he's utterly humiliated, sitting on Harry's cock with his own rubbing against Harry's robes.
Harry would humiliate him over and over with that memory as he fucks into Draco from behind, his soft round ass bouncing with each push of Harry's hips as Draco's fingers dig into the sheets.

Maybe Draco will be facing towards Harry and have no idea what he's supposed to do, frozen with the fear that he can see everyone and therefore they must be able to see him, so Harry will place either hand on Draco's hips and guide him until he's happily bouncing on Harry's lap, his face showing utter bliss with his eyes shut softly and his mouth hung open, both hands on either of Harry's shoulders that tighten the closer he is to cuming.

Or maybe Draco wouldn't be facing Harry... he'd be leaning against the desk and bouncing backwards towards Harry's hips as Harry continues with his work, completely used to the feeling of Draco's soft insides dragging against each vein and inch of his cock as Draco tries to bring himself to release, eyes screwed tight so that he can't see the others in the room but Harry will.

Maybe Harry would hold onto Draco's slim waist and force Draco's body down to meet his, thrusting up into Draco until he's unable to stay quiet, still in utter bliss even after the invisibility cloak is ripped off him by Snape and everyone can see the fact that THE Draco Malfoy is a slut for Harry's cock and will even fuck himself on it while he's supposed to be in class.
Harry wouldn't stop Draco when their game is up, Draco completely bare and vulnerable to everyone but too busy enjoying the pull of a dick inside him to notice enough for his pride to take over, moaning out into the classroom until his orgasm is splattered against the workbench and everyone knows the way Draco looks when cumming, his spine arched, his head hung back, his eyes closed with his mouth open and his hips stuttering down against Harry's for a little while until he opens his eyes to find everyone staring at him.

"Potter." Draco's voice says softly and Harry hums, his eyes closed as he enjoys the mental image of Draco kneeling between his legs, completely unhidden by anything and sucking his dick.
"Potter! Class ended ages ago get up!" Draco's voice says with growing concern as Harry runs a hand over his covered erection, his chair having had scooted back so Draco can see his whole package. Draco's eyes widen and he goes to take a step back only for Harry to grab him and slam his chest into the potion's table, slotting himself between Draco's legs and enjoying the real feel of his cock between Draco's clothed ass cheeks.
Harry grumbles and quickly pulls Draco's pants down, resting his forehead between Draco's shoulder blades as he gropes both cheeks through his boxers, squeezing them together and then quickly pulling them apart with such force that Draco starts to think Harry is trying to rip them off.
"Potter?! What are you doing?!" Draco shrieks, trying desperately to push Harry's heavy body off his own but to no avail so he slumps against the desk, defeated.
"Don't think I didn't notice Malfoy." Harry rumbles and he gets a confused noise from Draco so he continues.
"Buying tight pants and robes that are tailored in the waist to accentuate your curves." Harry adds and so Draco tries to turn around again.
"I don't get a choice in that! It's either tailored or I get nothing!" Draco cries but Harry is skeptical.
"Which is why you leave your robes unbuttoned so that they flow nicely around your waist when you walk away?" Harry asks and this time Draco is stunned into silence, his shoulders slumping more as he sighs.
"Hmmm.... Manicas inice." Harry mumbles with a wave of his wand and quickly a pair of silver handcuffs form on Draco's wrists, binding them behind his back and making him quickly turn to look up at Harry, his eyes wide as he makes a scared squeak.
"Potter! What did you do to me?!" Draco exclaims and Harry finally lets him stand and turn around fully only to have Draco try to headbutt him as he hurriedly pulls up his pants. With a wave of Harry's wand Draco's handcuffs tighten around his wrists, making him even more scared as he tries to pull them apart, his face growing red in frustration.
"Potter! Get these off me!" Draco yells but Harry laughs and grabs onto one of Draco's arms, pulling him out of Snape's classroom and up to Griffindor tower.

The common room is empty, as it should be because everyone is at lunch, so Harry pulls Draco up to the boy's dorm and into Harry's private seniors dorm room.
Harry quickly pushes Draco down onto the bed and Draco squeaks again as he's pressed into the sheets by Harry, both legs raised to let Harry kneel between them as Draco tries to kick him away.
"What is going on Potter?!" Draco asks, breathless from all his fighting... that is until Harry decides to pull Draco's pants off and start kissing up his milky thighs, starting with the right one.
Harry softly holds onto Draco's thigh as he presses his lips to it, maintaining eye contact with Draco as he opens his mouth and bites down, making Draco flinch away as his cheeks flush light pink and he gasps.
"Potter! What is going on? Release me this instant!" Draco yells, twisting and turning around but it's no use, Harry has him trapped.
"Why? What's wrong Draco?" Harry asks, his voice low and tinged with arousal but Draco looks at him as if he said the most disrespectful thing in the world.
"Don't call me that!" Draco bellows so Harry sits up to look him straight in the eye.
"Why not?" Harry asks simply and Draco's face turns red as he clenches his teeth.
"Because we are sworn enemies and enemies do not use each other's first- ah!" Draco is cut off my Harry leaning down to bite Draco's other thigh, hard enough to leave a mark, and when he pulls back he smiles at the teeth indents in Draco's milky skin.
"Mmm I might give you more of these, they look nice against your skin." Harry says, softly caressing the marks with his thumb before pushing Draco's shirt up and leaning down to bite Draco's soft stomach that Draco quickly sucks in, causing his ribs to stick out so Harry instead moves to bite them. Draco huffs in frustration and twists to try to get Harry off him but Harry just laughs and moves up further to carefully bite down on one of Draco's nipples, Draco gasping and subconsciously arching his chest into Harry's mouth, Draco's mouth hanging open. Harry grins before quickly pulling away. Draco goes to sit up after him only to find his wrists stuck to the bed, making Draco glare up at Harry as Harry grins further and pushes Draco's thighs apart. Draco's hips are quickly levitated upwards and he immediately tries to push them back down only for Harry to push his legs towards his chest and then part his cheeks, making Draco wriggle around to try to get away. Suddenly the same magic that is holding his wrists holds his ankles and Harry moves him around until his legs are stretched out at an obtuse angle and he can see Harry licking his lips between his thighs.
"Look at how hairless you are." Harry says with a smirk and Draco turns a brighter pink when Harry leans down to bite into his sensitive inner thighs, making him grumble as he tries to move away again.

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