😅⚠️Destiel 12272 E

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"There's a new job for you boys." Bobby tells the brothers over the phone.
"What is it?" Sam asks, looking over to Dean.
"A family gets murdered and the only survivor, the youngest daughter, can't remember anything from that night. I imagine that it's a demon possession or a ghost." Bobby informs them.
"This sounds like a job for Cas." Sam says and Dean nods.
"Time for a road trip?" Dean asks, smiling.
"Yeah!" Sam says.

When they settle into a new motel Dean calls Castiel, and once he arrives, informs him on the mission at hand.
After a nights sleep they head to the house where the murder happened.
Castiel, Dean and Sam sit down with the youngest daughter, who is 19, and ask a few questions about what she can remember.
"I can't remember anything more than falling asleep and then waking up at the kitchen table with all of my family members dead around me and my cat yowling at the front door. I immediately called the police and now we're here." She says, sniffling as Sam and Dean nod while Castiel stares at the cat.
"Ok, do you mind if we take a look around?" Dean asks. The daughter nods and stands up, walking out of the room to take a phone call while Sam turns to Dean.
"If this was a possession she would still be possessed, so I can only imagine this being a ghost haunting." Sam says, Dean nodding with a curious look on his face before they both look over to Castiel who is staring at the cat.
"Cas? What are you doing?" Dean asks and Castiel looks up at him, smiling innocently so Dean shakes his head, sighing a "whatever".
"We're going to take a look around the crime scene and you can do whatever angel stuff you need to do to figure out what happened." Sam says so Castiel nods and looks back at the cat.
"I'll interrogate the cat." He says getting up from the couch and squatting down in front of the cat.
Dean and Sam get up from the couch, throwing a weird look to each other, and walk into the kitchen, where the bodies still are (this being a few hours after the police report).
They inspect the bodies until something catches Sam's eye so he walks over to the thing and cautiously picks it up.
"A pen?" Sam questions.
"What?" Dean asks, walking over to Sam.
"Look. It's a silver pen, covered in blood." Sam says, pocketing it.
The brothers turn to see Castiel sitting on the floor with his legs splayed out, trying to interrogate the family's cat. Dean chuckles at how cute the angel is and gets a confused look from Sam so he quickly tries to play it off as him clearing his throat.
"What? He's being stupid." Dean says as an excuse.
"Yeah, he is. Talking about being stupid, do you have a crush?" Sam asks, turning to Dean.
"Why would you think that?!" Dean exclaims, blushing at the mention of the word and maybe being a bit too loud.
"Oh I don't know. It may be because whenever the word "crush" is said your face gets really red." Sam says, laughing at the deepening blush across Dean's cheeks.
"So who's the unlucky chick?" Sam asks, elbowing Dean and getting a glare.
"I don't have a crush on a chick..." Dean says, getting eyebrow wiggles from Sam.
"Oh really? Then who's the unlucky guy?" Sam asks so Dean sighs and shakes his head, rolling his eyes.
"I don't have a crush." Dean says, looking up at his younger brother, who looks skeptically down at Dean.
"Come on, you can tell me." Sam whines.
"You tell me everything!" He adds and Dean huffs a laugh.
"First off, no and secondly if so then why would I tell you?" Dean retorts, scowling and crossing his arms.
"Because I can help!" Sam says.
"If I tell you, either I or you will ruin something." Dean answers, looking back over to Castiel, who is now petting the cat happily, making Dean smile and Sam fakes a cough, getting Dean's attention again.
"Is it Castiel?" Sam asks and Dean blushes at just hearing his crush's name.
"Really? Wow. Why? Well I can see why, but why?" Sam asks.
"W-well he's really nice and adorable and no matter how badly he gets hurt he'll do whatever he can to help others." Dean answers, Sam nodding in agreement.
"Let me help." Sam says and Dean shakes his head quickly.
"No! He doesn't like me like that." Dean says.
They both look over to Castiel, who looks over to them with the cat in his hands and smiles wide.
"You never know." Sam says, nudging Dean but he shakes his head again.
"Even if I tried to ask him he probably wouldn't understand, like the time he was watching porn accidentally." Dean says and Sam laughs at the memory.
"He got a boner and it took him an hour to figure out how to get rid of it, he ended up just letting his vessel do it because he couldn't deal." Sam laughs, making Dean laugh too and Castiel looks up at them, visibly confused.
"Why are you laughing?" Castiel asks and Sam shakes his head, still laughing.
"Just how cute you're being." Sam says, pointing towards the cat that had taken a liking to Castiel's affection as Dean just nods, not wanting to stutter and embarrass himself.
"God I wish I was that cat." Dean mumbles behind his hand and Sam laughs slightly as he elbows Dean, making him jump a little.
"Well we've done everything we need to do. Have you gotten anything out of the cat?" Sam asks. Castiel pouts as the cat rubs its head against Castiel's arm.
"No. I thought it'd know something but it doesn't." Castiel shrugs, getting up and walking over to the brothers with the cat quickly following him over, meowing for attention.
"So what did you find?" He asks and Sam pulls the pen out of his pocket to show Castiel, who looks at it curiously.
"This pen." Dean says.
"I have a feeling it has something attached to it." He adds and Sam nods.
All three of them walk out of the house, Castiel trying desperately to get the cat to stay in the house, and climb into the car, Sam and Dean in the front and Castiel segregated to the back, pouting.

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