Chapter 4

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Thank y'all so much for your feed back. I'm sorry it took along time to update. Anyway back to the story

Oliver's (green arrow) POV:

Kara just phoned us to tell us that she is 15 minutes away. She's coming with her 'friend' that can supposedly help us with our new problem.

I wonder what makes her so special that Kara is going to the trouble to get and bring her here. It probably means that she's really powerful, and if that's true that could make her a big threat. Just because she has Kara's trust doesn't mean she has mine. So I'm going to take whatever precautions are necessary. Even though I wouldn't admit it to the team, I really care about them, and it would kill me if something bad happened to them.

They're my family

That's why I hope whatever Kara is doing that will help save us works, which also makes me think how does she know about this stuff?Should I be suspicious?

/////////////////line break//////////////////

Cisco POV:

I'm soooo excited. I mean Greek mythology. Wow. It really got me thinking, because you know now Barry got his powers from a lightning bolt? Does that mean his powers come from Zeus? Or maybe a child of Zeus. Like Hermes. Doesn't he have the power of speed? Does that then make him the original speedster. Also makes me wonder speed force it's connected to all this. I mean is it spawn of  chaos or something because it's been here since the beginning of the universe.

My mind continues to race with questions like this. The whole reality of life question changed for me.

I wonder how is 'friend' of Kara's is going to help? I guess we'll find out in five minutes anyway.


A young girl just entered the room. She had long black hair and was fairly tan. There was no denying that this girl was definitely beautiful. She seems like a chill person. Like someone anyone could just naturally like.

When she sat down she still had her blindfold on. Kara gave the signal to take it off and she had to blink to adjust to the light. Her eyes analyse the room carefully.

When she decides to speak she says, "hi my name is Percy."
Percy huh? Must be short for something.
Barry is the first one to say something back to her.
" hi, I'm the flash," he said smoothly.

" Oh we're fake names well then you can call me Dinosaur," she told him. And she has a good sense of humour, I'm really gonna like this girl.

"Why dinosaur?" Asked Ray.

"I really like dinosaurs," so said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

Now Oliver jumps in, "so Percy is it?" She replied with a nod. He speaks again, "so supergirl told us you can help us with our problem."

"Refresh my memory again it's been a long car ride," she said with sass. Kara then elbowed her in the stomach. "Hey! I should file you for abuse," she told Kara jokingly. Kara glared at her to stop joking around.

"Fineee, yes I can help you," she replied grudgingly.

Before anyone could reply Charlie added, " ok, what are you?" Percy looked confused,"huh?"

"You're not human, I can feel it."

This left a awkward silence.

"Entáxei, koíta, eímai imítheos,opóte tha to ektimoúsa polŷ an den to máthoun," Percy told Charlie. She seem to understand what she said. (Ok, look I'm a demigod so I would really appreciate if they don't find out)

Percy cleared her throat, " so anyway what seems to be the problem?"


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