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He knew it. He knew the moment he saw her standing in the kitchen, leaning against the counter. Something was wrong. He couldn't explain the feeling he had at the pit of his stomach. It scared him, the knot tightening as he slowly makes his way to her. His heart felt like it would explode any minute now.

She notices his presence and looks up, making her notice the unshed tears in her eyes. His heart dropping to his feet. He knew this would happen, he had anticipated this for weeks, if not months. Things had gotten a lot harder for them, especially for her. She had tried to hold on and he had hoped things would get better, but her grip had slipped.

He couldn't blame her and he knew she still loved him just as much as he loved her. But the pressure of his fame, the pressure of their secrecy, it was getting too much for her. He'd found her crying on some nights, her insecurities or even just the hate she'd get for being friends with the boys - he couldn't even imagine what kind of hate she'd have to go through if they'd been public - having gotten to her. It was getting too much.

"Jimin." She breaths out, causing tears to burn his eyes as he looks down and nods in understanding. "I'm sorry. I..."

His head snaps up as he hears her choke on her tears. Without hesitation he walks up to her and pulls her into a hug. She hurries her face into his shoulder, holding on to him for one last time. Nothing is said between them as they both just cry in each other's arms.

"I love you. And I don't want to let you go, but if it means you'll be happier, I'll do it." He says softly as he slips a hand into her hair and holds on to the back of her head.

"Don't cry over me. I'm sorry for having made you go through that. I hope you find someone who will love you the way I did, but won't make you suffer." He says as he wipes away her tears with his thumb, causing her to bite her lip as she tries to fight the tears.

"You are the most the amazing person I've ever met, Jimin. Don't ever doubt it. I loved you, I still do and I always will." She chokes out, making him nod as he leans forward and rests his forehead against hers.

"Goodbye." He says softly, making her bite her lip. He reaches for his keys in his pocket and sets the copy of her apartment key on the counter. She closes her eyes, not being able to meet his eyes. He steps away from her and without looking at her, he makes his way back out the apartment. He tries to hold on to his tears, until he gets in his car.

Leaning his head back against the headrest. He closes his eyes and lets the tears flow down his cheeks, before covering his face with his hands. His whole body shakes with sobs as he feels his heart shatter into pieces.

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