i. dream

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It had been a very long time since he had felt this way. The way his heartbeat kept increasing with every passing second, the way his hand tightened around the steering wheel, as they kept moistening from nervous sweat. He hadn't felt this nervous since the first time he had stepped on stage. Even the nervousness he felt every time he went on stage now, was not as intense as it was right now.

This was their first date and after all the courage it had taken him to ask her out, he didn't want to mess things up. He'd known Maeve since his days as a trainee, having met her with Jungkook. She'd been friends with them and the other members ever since. But it was different for Jimin, he'd notice the little things that friends normal don't, he'd feel things that friends shouldn't feel. The butterflies at the bit of his stomach, the way his heart would skip a beat, or the way he couldn't but smile every time he was her. She had become intoxicating to him.

Gathering all the courage he had, he got out of the car and made his way to the apartment complex she lived in. He'd come here so many times, just to spend time with her or for their monthly dinners with all their friends. Although her apartment was modest, build for only two people to live in, she always insisted on being the one to host their monthly dinners, it had gotten to the point that everyone just assumed it would be at her place they'd have dinner.

Her apartment was on the third floor, so as he stood in the elevator - waiting to reach her floor - he practiced all the things he could say as soon as he saw her. The ding from the elevator signalling that he'd reached her floor, makes him take a deep breath, before stepping out and making his way to the front door.

He knocks thrice on the door, sticking his hands in the pockets of his pants to hide the way his hands had become clammy from all the nervousness. It doesn't take long for the door to swing open and his heart immediately skips a beat. His lips part slightly in awe as he takes in how beautiful she looks. She wasn't wearing anything fancy. Just simple blue straight legged jeans, a simple white blouse - which seems to be tucked in - under a beige sleeveless knitted sweater.

He'd seen her wear formal dresses, revealing outfits, but the way she seemed to be glowing in the darkened halls of the apartment complex, made her more beautiful than any of those times. All the words he'd practiced on the way up had escaped his mind and all he could do was admire her.

"Hey. You look handsome. As always, of course." She smiles widely and it took all his strength to not just fall to the floor from how breathtaking she is.

"And you look gorgeous." He says after clearing his throat and trying to regain as much composure as possible. A blush rises quickly to her cheeks as she beams happily.

"So, where are you taking us?" She asks as she steps out the apartment and locks the door behind her.

"Would it be cliche to say it's a surprise?" He asks, causing her to give him a look that silently asked if he was being serious right now. He chuckles softly, feeling himself relax as he realised that there was nothing to worry. After all, he'd known her for so long and he knew that everything would work out just fine.

Jolting up from the bed, cold sweat running down his skin. He runs a hand through his black hair as he tries to catch his breath. It wasn't a nightmare. Far from it. But it left his heart aching. He had tried to move on from her for the past two years, knowing that she was probably better off somewhere. But the memories kept haunting him. Pulling his legs up, wrapping his arms around his knees as he tries to hold in the tears that comes with the heartache.

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