Geronimo Cheddar

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Guess who's back? That's right, my peeps, it's your favorite author (yes, yes I am)! Back with comedy second!! *bows because I assume u all r clapping in delight* thank you, thank you!

There are
types of people in this world...

Those who understand binary and those who don't.

(Ba-dam chh)

Peter's pov:

After they were both done eating, Tony took Peter back to the workshop. He helped Stark with different projects, organized the desks, and made a couple coffee runs. While they were working, they talked about random things, getting to know each other a little better.

"So kid, tell me, how's life?" Tony asked while trying to fix a broken robot.

Peter shrugged. "Life? It's good I guess."

"That doesn't sound very convincing, you know. Come on, really. I want to know. What up?"

Peter didn't answer, focusing on organizing the screwdrivers from smallest to largest. He knew he was a terrible liar, and he didn't want Tony prying into his personal life. He had too many secrets.

"Kid, this isn't an interrogation! Think of me as your friend... no, more like a mentor."

Peter looked up at that. "You're my mento?"

"What?" Stark asked in confusion.

"Oh nothing." He paused, "So what's going on with you, Mr. Stark?"

"I asked you first."

"What are you, a second grader?" Peter laughed. "But I asked you second and the last thing is always the most important so you go first."

"That logic doesn't even make any sense! The important stuff is first. Why would it be last?" Tony moved his hands while his spoke, waving them in the air. Peter stepped back slightly to avoid being hit in the face with pliers.

"Because." He had meant to distract Tony from the question, and it seemed to be working.

"Okay well one, you're wrong. And two, you can't distract me that easily. Answer my question."

Aw man. "Uhh what question?"

Stark just raised his eyebrow.

"Oh right yeah, life is really brilliant right now. Convincing enough for you?"

Tony sighed and went back to his work.

"Well look, Mr. Stark. You won't tell me what's up in your life so why should I tell you about mine?"

"You want me to talk about how I have to deal with the stupid builders who have yet to finish renovating the upper floors of the Avengers tower (oh yeah, this takes place before/during homecoming. With some stuff that's different, obviously.), and how the avengers and Fury are constantly badgering me for details about Spider man?"

Peter's ears perked up at the mention of himself. "Uh, yes. Of course. Please, spill."

"Well it's confidential actually, so no."

"But I'm your personal intern..." Peter made puppy-dog eyes at Stark, but he was looking at the broken robot.

"Try telling that to Fury. He'd be all like, 'bitch please.'"

Peter frowned. "Who?"

"Nothing." Tony said quickly.

"But, Mr. Starkkkkk! Please tell me?"

Wrong Number, so sorry!Where stories live. Discover now