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*4 years later*

„Yeosang! I am going out with Soobin!" I called the brown haired from our kitchen.
We moved to a house two years ago and also finished our school. Since we really studied hard, we both got to graduate.
Yeosangs parents were really proud of their son and Jay hyung told me he jumped around when he saw my message.

„Okay, but take keys with ya, my dance class starts in an hour!" „Fine! Don't let the kiddos bully you!" I laughed and quickly left the house.
Yeosang is a dance teacher at a pretty popular dance school here and he really enjoys his job.
I still work at the little cafe, I liked the atmosphere.

Right now I was on my way to pick up my boyfriend. Yes you heard it right.
We met soon after my graduation, he is really lovely and treats me right.

Ever since I wrote that message to Hongjoong, we never really talked about him again except for our little tradition on Christmas. We would always put one more plate on the table and place the candle near it, so that we can wish him a merry Christmas and a happy new year.
It may sound pathetic but it's important to us, he was our first real best friend after all.

I parked my car and walked over to the boy leaning on the tree. „Hey luv, how was your day?" he said and I can't even express how much I loved his calming voice. I never met anyone who had this kind of effect on me, except for one...Kim Hongjoong. But he's in the past and Soobin is my future
(omfg I am cringing so much rn but I just had to do this bc these dating rumors literally never fail to make me laugh)

„My day was good, but it's even better now." I smiled at him as he leaned down to place a soft kiss on my lips (sheesh Soobin is really taller than Seonghwa💀) „That is good to hear, now let's get to the restaurant huh?" „After you my prince." he winked at me, making me blush. We walked through the park, our hands connected. I loved the park, it had some cherry blossom trees.

We sat at a table in the back, ignoring the weird old couple that looked at us like we had a disgusting illness. I know that the people in Korea are even stricter about this topic, but I still hated it.
Soobin noticed the disappointment in my eyes, he took my hand in his and rubbed it with his thumb „Seonghwa...don't look at them, you know there will always be people who can't accept our sexuality. The most important thing is that we love each other, as long as we do that it doesn't matter what others think."
I love this man but I also despise him, how can it be possible that one little smile or one single word from him makes me smile like a lovesick girl who got her first kiss on a Friday night.

I entered the house and got greeted by the smell of chicken, which made me roll my eyes. „Yeosang! Did you order chicken again?!" and of course he sat in the living room stuffing his face with chicken. „Sangie you should also eat other stuff." I sighed. „I know hyung
sorr-" suddenly my phone started ringing and I knew that ringtone too well. It was Jay hyung. „Wait a sec-"

Hey hyung, how can I help you?

i heard sniffles on the other side and immediately began to worry.


Okay something has to be off Jay would always call me names, he never really says my normal name.

Hyung what's wrong?

Mother and F-Fathter t-they-

They what?

They g-got into a-

Before he could finish his sentence the tv switched to the news channel.

Breaking News our dearest the King and his Wife got into a car crash this late afternoon. Both of them couldn't be saved. We send our deepest condolences to korea, of course to the citizens, but also to the two sons of the deceased, may they be blessed and stay safe. The older son will take over the throne and will follow in his fathers footsteps."

Yeosang looked at me, his mouth wide open. My eyes started watering, I didn't feel sad it just happened.

Seonghwa...did you see the news
I- I am so so sorry.

No n-no don't apologize. It's fine, we'll be fine. You will be a good king I know that.

But- I can't do this a-alone.
I'm begging you to come home, even if it's just for the coronation. Please.

I hesitated to answer, I mean I left for a reason. But if I think about it that specific reason is gone now.
Maybe Yeosang and I can go back.
We can still live a free life in Korea, his sister will take the throne and we'll be free.
I broke the hug and looked at him, he nodded.

We will come as soon as we can, but I'll bring someone with me.

Thank you so much Mars and sure bring anyone you want. Tell me when you come here.

We will.

*call ended*

Seonghwa wiped his eyes and told Yeosang to look for flights.
He would take Soobin with him, the male needed someone who could give him strength and support.
The prince didn't really like his parents but they gave him a life after all.

„Thank you Soo, I am sorry to be a burden." he ended the call and put his phone on the charger.
„Hyung! I found something!" Yeosang said from the living room.

„So the plane will go off tomorrow evening." „Really? That was fast." the elder laughed and sat down next to the brown haired. The younger leaned on the other and the latter began to gently play with his hair. „So we're really going back to Korea?" Yeosang nodded. „Do you think he will be there?"
„Probably...but I couldn't care less."

Homesick // Seongjoong Where stories live. Discover now