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„Hey Seong- Woah." Hongjoong looked at the boy in front of him. „Awww I love it!" he squealed. „Wait did you color your hair as well?" „Oh yup. I was tired of that blonde shit." Seonghwa was actually surprised how good black hair looked on Hongjoong. Too good.

„I want to take you out." „Uhm what?"
The pink haired looked dumbfounded.
„I am taking you out." „...On a d-date? So suddenly?" „Yes so suddenly except you don't want to." the prince did really think about declining for one second but he agreed in the end. „I'll pick you up at 1 be ready." the black haired winked and left.

„DID I HEAR THAT RIGHT?!" Yeosang screamed as his best friend told him he would go out on a date today. „Uhm yes and I have to be ready in an hour so help me!" Wow my ship is finally sealing after all these years the blonde haired thought to himself. „Okay I'll look for a outfit, put some make up on but not too much. Something that matches your hair color." Yeosang demanded and left the room.

After a while of searching through of their wardrobes and Seonghwa questioning the outfits the younger told him to wear, he finally stood in front of the mirror, satisfied with his look. (The picture at the start of the chap)

„You look extremely cute hyung, sometimes I ask myself why I haven't catched feelings for you yet." the prince sighed looking at his friend. „Well because you are too busy drooling over Wooyoung." Seonghwa winked.
„I- You- HEY!" he ran after the pink headed. „It's true you know it."
Just as Yeosang wanted to say something back the bell rang getting the attention of the boys.

„I have a date to attend to if you'd excuse me." the elder said before the younger went to open the door first. „Hey hyung come in." the two entered the kitchen were Seonghwa stood with a soft smile on his face. „Look at you!" Hongjoong said as he saw the the prince. „I know right? I should've shoot my shot a long time ago." Yeosang laughed getting a glare from the black haired. „Jokes on you he's going on a date with me." he winked. „So...speaking of that let's go." Seonghwa nodded and they left the youngest alone.

„We will go to a restaurant I hope you're hungry." he smiled before he opened the door for the other. The boy got into the car and waited for the other to do the same before answering.
„Oh yeah I actually didn't eat breakfast today." „Hyung breakfast is the most important meal of the day..." Hongjoong started the car.

The ride was quiet until the younger decided to break the silence „We're here." was all he said as he parked his car.

The waitress led the two to a table and asked if they wanted something to drink.
Soon after they also ordered their food.

„You really look pretty today Hwa." the sudden compliment made the boy blush.
„You look pretty handsome yourself today Kim." he answered. „We're on the last name terms now huh? I don't like your last name though." Seonghwa looked confused. „Uhm what?"
„It would sound better if it was the same as mine." the other smiled teasingly.
The elder laughed. „Wow that was the best pick up line someone ever used on me and I heard many in New York." He cringed at the memories.
"Oh really but I meant it." The other winked gaining a slap on the arm. "Stop!" He laughed.

Their food arrived and they started to eat. "One question though." Seonghwa looked at his opposite with interested eyes before asking. „Why would you take me on a date so suddenly?" Hongjoong sighed.
„Because I like you." he mumbled but the other still heard it. „Huh really?" that made the younger laugh.
„No I just take you out on a date because I have nothing better to do you dumb ass." „Hey! I'm older have respect." Seonghwa touched his chest pretending to be offended. „No but I mean it I do like you. I liked you for all these years."
Seonghwa knew the other meant it, he could see the honesty in his eyes.
„You don't have to say anything now I know you don't feel the same but I want to convince you that I'm going to take good care of you." he rambled.
„Hongjoong I know that. Thank you." Seonghwa gave him a soft smile before continuing to eat.

The two drove to a park after and sat on a bench at a fountain. „I had fun today." Seonghwa smiled while looking at the night sky. „I had fun too. We should do this again sometime." their eyes met.

It was like their faces were attracting each other as the two slowly leaned closer. „Can I...?" „No time for questions." Seonghwa said as he connected their lips.

It felt like the world just stopped turning.
Just the two of them sharing this wonderful moment.
As they stopped, Hongjoong leaned his forehead against Seonghwa's and smiled brightly. „You don't know how long I waited for this." he whispered making the other blush. „You are cute when you're flustered." he chuckled and received a soft hit against his chest.

On the way home they held hands walking happily.

As soon as Yeosang heard the door unlocking he ran into the hallway waiting for his friend to come home.
„Hey Hyung! How was it spill the tea I wanna hear everything." he rambled.
The elder ruffled his hair and walked past him. „Come here if you want to know." he laughed and Yeosang came rushing into the living room.

Seonghwa told him about everything that happened and now the younger was a squealing mess. „I'm really happy for you hyung! So are you a couple now?" The prince stiffened „Uhm no..." „Huh why?" Yeosang was confused.
„Well he didn't ask and I think it's perfect like this at least for some time. I know he wouldn't go out with other people and I don't plan to so." he shrugged.

This continued for the next weeks. The two would go on dates or hang out as a trio and do movie nights.
They kissed, cuddled, held hands, did literally everything a couple would do but Hongjoong was too scared to ask.

That was until one day where Wooyoung, who also attended some of the movie nights himself, totally snapped at him and told him to get it together and just ask the other to make it official.

That resulted in the four of them sitting on the couch after eating their take out pizza. „Hyungs? I wanted to show Wooyoung something on my switch we'll be right back." Yeosang said and the two left to his room.

It's now or never Hongjoong thought as he cleared his throat. Seonghwa had his head laid in the others lap and was playing with the strings of his boyfriends hoodie. „Hwa?" the latter hummed in response.
„So you know we've been going on dates for some time now and I- I wanted to ask you if you would-" „Be your boyfriend?" Hongjoong looked down, he obviously did not see that coming.
„Yes I would love too." the pink haired smiled. „Aishh you cute hoe." the black haired leaned down to place a kiss on the elders lips. „I love you Hwa." he caressed his boyfriend's cheek while smiling softly. „I love you too Joong."
The door flew open making the boys jump in fear. „And what did he say??" Wooyoung said. Yeosang followed him as he went to sit on the couch.

„Well it was different to what I expected but we're still together now." Hongjoong laughed. The two looked at each other, slight confusion in their eyes but they just went with it and congratulated their friends.
The group was too lazy to go into their rooms so they slept on the couch.

Tomorrow's chap will be the last part </3

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