Part 14

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Meredith Grey couldn't catch a break. Her life she has dealt with any kind of trauma, making her stronger but right now she just wanted to curl up and sleep.

Phoebe was save and alive. However, she wouldn't let go of Meredith so now she was sleeping on top of Meredith, holding on tight to her top.

"How is he?" A voice came from the door causing Meredith to jump slightly. "Sorry."

"Not it's fine. I just haven't really slept." Meredith said as she did her best to sit up more, careful not to disturb Phoebe. "How's your arm?" She said, nodding her head towards him.

"Oh, it's alright." Scott said as he stepped into the room. "Bullet went through and through, just might need some physical therapy to get some movement and strength back. But I got lucky. How's Derek?" He asked as he slowly sat in the seat next to her.

"The operation went well, there was some internal bleeding but they removed the bullet and he should be alright. We just, he just needs to wake up now." She said as she turned to Derek, who lay there with a breathing tube and the monitor beeping.

"That's good, I mean, god, he saved my life." Scott said as he looked at the man who lay there. Never would he ever forget the way Derek pushed him out of the way, meaning he was only hit in the arm by the bullet. Where as Derek wasn't as lucky, as the second shot went off and hit him straight in the stomach.

"Yeah." Meredith said as she forced a smile at Scott, wanting nothing more than for Derek to wake up and reassure her that everything would be alright. She had finally got him back in her life and now, now it could all be gone.

"Do you want me to take Phoebe home with me?" Scott asked, knowing Meredith wouldn't leave this room until Derek was to wake up. Any chance he thought he had of getting back with Meredith was gone, he knew she was in love with Derek.

"I mean you can try but she's not leaving my side, I can't even go to the bathroom without her having an emotional breakdown. Like she's too young to have experienced any of this." Meredith said as her head dropped back and she rubbed at her exhausted eyes.

"This is all my fault." Meredith said as she opened her eyes and looked up.

"Meredith, no don't do that." Scott said as he moved closer to her, reaching out to place his hand on her shoulder.

"No but it's true, he was out there cause I asked him to help me find Phoebe, I just, I can't lose him." She said as the tears started to stream down her face.

"Mommy?" Phoebe said as she sat up and rubbed at her eyes.

"Hey P." Meredith said as she wiped away her tears quick and put a fake smile on her face.

"Mommy sad." Phoebe said, frowning as she reached up to touch Meredith's cheeks.

"No, mommy isn't sad, just tired baby." She said as she brushed Phoebe's dirty blonde off of her face.

"Dewek wake up?" Phoebe asked as she turned towards Scott.

"Not yet." He replied sadly.

"Oh." She replied before dropping her head onto Meredith's shoulder once again.

"So daddy is going to take you home tonight, so you can sleep in your own bed. Will you do that for mommy?" Meredith said as watched Phoebe look up at her with wide eyes.

"Aunt Ellie will be there." Scott said, wanting nothing more than to help Meredith out by taking Phoebe off of her hands for a bit.

"O...ok." Phoebe finally agreed, as she moved off of Meredith's lap to take Scott's hand.

"Thank you for being such a brave big girl for mommy, I will see you tomorrow, alright?" She watched as Phoebe nodded her head. "I love you P." Meredith said as she rested their foreheads together.

"Love you mommy." She said, wrapping his arms around Meredith's neck and squeezing her tight before taking Scott's hand as they walked out of the hospital together.

Sighing, Meredith finally collapsed in her seat, before reaching out to take Derek's hand.

"Hey Der." She said as she stood up to brush the curls off his head. "Look, I really need you to wake up now, I hate to say it but I miss you. So please." She leaned down and kissed his forehead before moving back to her seat, still holding onto his hand as her eyes drifted shut.

She was woken up later by the sound of Derek choking on his breathing tube. Immediately, her mind went into doctor mode.

"Hey Derek, don't panic, look at him." She said as she cupped his face in her hands. "I'm going to take your tube out now, alright." She immediately got the tube out, moved to get him a cup of water as he started coughing.

"Thanks." He gasped as the cold water went smoothly down his throat.

"It's so good to hear your voice." Meredith said, tears in her eyes as she ran her fingers through his hair.

"Hey." He said as he reached up to touch her face, smiling as she immediately leaned into his touch. "How's p?"

"She's good, she's finally sleeping now. Scott finally convinced her to go home so." Meredith said, smiling down at him.

"Good, I'm glad." He said, wincing as it hurt to move.

"Oh, do you want morphine? I'll page a nurse for you, hang on." Meredith said as she rambled on, moving away from him.

"Mer, wait, not yet." He said as he grabbed her hand, squeezing it tight. "I want to see you first, I thought...I thought I would never see you again."

"Hey, it's alright." She said as she saw the tears forming in his eyes. "You're still here, we are going to live our lives together and die in each other's arms when we are 110." She said, smiling at him.

"Kiss me." He said as she leaned down and pressed her lips to his, taking in this moment.

"Mmm." Derek moaned as they pulled apart, his eyes starting to drift shut as the exhaustion washed over his body.

"Now let's get you that morphine so you can sleep and get better." She said kissing his head before getting the nurses in to give him the morphine.

It didn't take him long before he fell into a deep sleep. Meredith finally settled on the sofa, no longer feeling the need to watch him breathe as he was alright. He had finally woke up.

That night she slept better than she had in days. It was finally all working out for them. They could finally be together and happy.

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