Chapter I

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        Beads of sweat drip off your face, although it's practically evening it's still extremely hot. It doesn't help that the stable turns into an oven in spring and doesn't cool down until late fall. The horses don't require a lot of work to take care of, but you don't want to go back in, even though you feel like you're going to pass out from heat exhaustion. Working in the stables sure has taken a toll on your body, while you have gotten stronger you still feel that in some way you've gotten weaker.

"It might be a little cooler if I go for a nice walk. Looks like there's a nice breeze." You mumble to yourself, "why don't you come too Strider."

       You grab some carrots as you walk out the door. Strider happily follows you, even giving off a little snort begging for attention. You pet his mane as you give him a carrot. Strider really loves being around you, it was like that ever since you first saw each other. He's like a best friend, your only friend. You smile at him as you walk to your normal spot up in the apple tree.

"Sorry bud, you can't get in this tree. As hard as you may try." You say with a bit of a laugh.

        You enjoy being outside. It has been something you've enjoyed ever since you were little. Your favorite spot was a little far from the stables, it was still within walking distance though. It was a little apple tree on the edge of Faron woods. A while back you travelled all over Hyrule catching bounties, but lately you've stayed in the stables and done some salesman work. Strider was looking up at you, practically begging you for a carrot.

"Stop looking at me like that." you say to him, "I'll give you one in a little bit."  

       You lean back on a crook in the tree, cooling off. You tie up your (H/L), (H/C) hair, letting your neck breath even if it's just a little. Most times you come here to cool off in the shade, but you also want to escape into your thoughts. You never really get to anymore, especially with that recurring nightmare. Always the same, that strange tall man and the imp and the hazy, dark world. And then that wolf, what could it mean? Anyway, you can never get any sleep in even if you tried, so you always go for a sort ride around the southern part of hyrule field. You always feel energized after a nice ride and a couple slain monsters (just to keep you in shape).

        Your stomach rumbles and it makes you realize that you haven't eaten since breakfast, you know that dinner will be soon, but you're still hungry. That's another reason you like this tree, free snacks whenever you want. Strider noses your hand as you eat your apple.

"You must be hungry too." you say to yourself, "is that why you've been wanting so many carrots? Heh, silly horse." 

       Suddenly, you hear footsteps approaching, you bolt up now standing on the branch, drawing your bow, preparing to attack. You wonder if you should get your sword out instead, but you already have the height advantage and going down with a sword would defeat all means of reason, besides you're used to the footing in trees. You bet it's Bokoblin, they're roaming all over these days. They're getting bolder and braver. For just a moment you lower your bow, wondering if they won't see you in the tree. No, they would see you, and they would attack too. You raise your bow back up, ready to kill immediately. The footsteps start to come closer, they get louder and as soon as you start to see something emerging from the bushes, you shoot.

"SHIT!" Yells Gray, "ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME?! All I came to do was to get you for dinner! Honestly (Y/N), is this how you treat family?"

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry Gray!" You say back, " I thought you were a Bokoblin." Gray has always been like an older brother to you, ever since you were 12 you got stuck on your horse and it dragged you all the way from castle town to the southern part of hyrule field. You were found unconsciously hanging of your horse, now known as Strider, by Gray and Inna, then you basically got adopted into the family.

"Wow, that's real kind of you, 'oh I'm sooooo sorry. I thought you were a stinky, ugly monster! And I totally meant to miss your body with my arrow by just a few inches.'" He says mockingly as he starts to walk away.

        You hop out of the tree and grab Striders reins. You start walking back towards the stables with Gray. 

"You know I don't sound like that right? Oh, and what's for dinner, I'm starving!"

        After a nice meal you decide it's time to go to bed. When in your room, you freshen up a little and you pack your bag for a delivery you have to make tomorrow. You think it's a couple of different cloths you have to deliver to Ordon village, which is just on the other side of Faron woods. You have your dried fruit and your flask, you've got a map just in case you happen to get lost, you have a cloak, which seeing how hot it is outside you doubt you'll need it, and then you have a nice dagger, you have some matches, and you have the cloth and ore that you are delivering. You set your satchel next to your bed and next to that your sword, bow and quiver. Once your eyes are closed, you rub your fingers back and forth on your brass triforce neckless, praying to the goddess Hylia.


        Sorry if this isn't really all that good, it's my first published story and I kind of got writers block towards the end, but if you enjoyed it, please let me know and I'll write another chapter. Please stay safe!

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