Chapter III

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So sorry that I haven't updated this story in such a long time, I've been reading more than writing. I also had to play the game again to get some inspiration. I hope I didn't lose touch and I hope you enjoy it!
"Hey, give it back Talo!" Says a young blond-haired boy running after another slightly older boy, Talo. They ran around each other in the little space of land filled with a treehouse, some training materials, and a small place of grass for a horse. This piece of land was the entry point to Ordon village, it was also considered the entry point to Faron Woods.

"If you want it, you'll have to come and get it, Colin. Besides, I doubt you'll ever use it. But I could use it, who knew that a fishing rod made such a nice sword!"

"I made it as a present, okay? Now just give it back!" Says Colin.

"Yeah, come on Talo, just let him have it. It is his after all. And I want to get out of these woods, they give me the creeps!" Said a girl whose name was Beth, she always tried to act older and more mature than she was.

"Oh, are you scared about the silly old woods, Beth? HA! Even if there was anything to fear, I'm sure that your 'Liiinnnkk' would save you." Said a third boy, in a mocking tone.


Link, a seventeen-year-old boy, was relaxing in a tree after a long day of work on the goat farm. His horse was grazing and slowly trotting around. All of a sudden a distant noise could be heard throughout the village, it was coming from the woods.

"Colin, what did you do?!"

"I didn't do anything!"

"You two woke up the monster in the woods didn't you!" Said Beth in a flustered voice, "I'm going back to the village!"

Just as she was turning around to walk away, a wild, silver-coated horse with deep gray spots, a twilight-colored mane, and misty green eyes burst through the edge of the forest, straight towards the children.

All of them started to run for the village as the horse gained speed behind them. "LINNNKKK!" Yelled Talo. They were all fumbling over each other, trying to get away from the horse's panicked, stamping hooves.

Link, who was still trying to relax, gave up on taking a nap as the children were too terrified to stop crying out for his help. As he hopped down from the tree, he found that something had startled Epona, his horse, as well.

"Whoa girl, calm down now." He said in a calming low tone as he rubbed her neck. Epona, however, did not listen. She was facing the woods, trotting, and snorting in a very scared manner. Link decided he should finally do something about the scene happening in front of him, so he got out a small flute he had made earlier out of some reeds and sticks. He blew a short little tune that seemed to calm both Epona and the wild horse. The two horses started to circle Link and soon came to a stop.

"Yay! You saved us Link!" Says everyone as they clambered over to see him.

"Yeah, no problem," He said in return. He pushed the kids aside to confront the rogue stallion. Link held out his hand for the horse to see, trying his best not to anger it. The two circled for a handful of seconds before the horse allowed any form of contact; Link risked the process by taking a step forward, yet the horse seemed to be unfazed. The horse stared into Link's eyes as if he were trying to say something.

Another girl, Link's age, came up to the wild horse. She gently placed her hand on the horse's head, and rubbed back and forth, back and forth. Her hand glided across the stallion's body as she spoke.

"Link, what do you think he was doing in the woods? I mean, could he have just gotten loose from the stables?"

"I don't know, but wherever he came from, there might be someone." he said as he nodded towards the stuff on top of the horse, "everything that's needed to for riding is here."

"Link, if that is the case, do you think they could've gotten lost in woods? You need to go find them! They could get hurt!"

With a nod he  jumped onto Epona's back and was on his way to find the missing rider.



The approaching bokoblins were not threatening, but one wrong move could result in a very bad situation. Well, even worse than the one you're in now. You stumble over to the first bokolin and strike him with multiple blows to the stomach, you finish him off with a fatal blow, a move that came to you in a dream once. The second and third bokoblins run towards you, the two of them slash and bash, with no avail. The hidden creature in the woods shot another arrow, but you rolled out of the way. However, in the process, you snapped the body of the arrow off, leaving the arrowhead stuck in your flesh. It will incredibly hard to get it out now.

"Ah, damn." You mutter under your breath.

The bokoblin with a rock tries to throw it at you, but you pull him into the other bokoblin, killing the first one with the second's sword. Yet another arrow comes and hits your thigh. You muffle a small scream as pain rushes through you, twice as bad as the first. Just one more you need to kill, then you can run away from the shooter in the thick of the trees. You try to run to the last bokoblin standing, seeing as it's weapon less, and your knee gives out, snapping the other arrow body. You start streaming profanities under your breath. The last bokoblin runs at you, trying to win against you in a fist fight, but you slice it's head with one swing of your sword.

You stretch out your injured leg, your head going foggy. You start laughing. 

"Whoo, heh heh, Inna's gonna kill me if she sees all this blood on my clothes. HAHA!" You say through contorted speech and laughter. You fall onto your back, consumed by the poison. "The sky's so pr'ty." 

Your breathing picks up and your world starts spinning. You try to roll over as you feel nauseous. Everything was so hazy. You couldn't tell if the shooter had given up or if they were shooting still. But you didn't care to know, you were too focused on staying alive. All of a sudden, you heard something, you couldn't tell what it was, but it sounded like someone speaking underwater. 

You managed to make out a 'don't worry.... got you.... safe'. Your breathing was still all funky, and you let the world disappear around you. The throbbing pain of the poison was all that was left, that and the voice of an angel saying, "you will be hope in dark times, strength in weakness, the light in the dark. For your resilience is why I chose you, all those years ago. Darkness is coming to hyrule, as I have warned you in your dreams, but you will rise above it, with courage beside you. For now, get better and let the strangers tend to your wounds. Without pain, we cannot change." You don't know what any of that means and the poison will probably make you forget it later, but it calms you and brings you to peace.

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