Forks and La Push

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A/N: So sorry for not updating. I've been really busy just haven't had the time. Anyway, here's chapter 2.

By the time the plane started taking off, half the people had fallen asleep and the rest were reading or watching a movie. However, Hermione was wide awake as a nagging thought grew and grew. 

Would she be able to help Bella? She knew she was broken, and that thought concerned her more and more. What if she couldn't help. What if she just hurt Bella more. But sometimes things had to get worse before they got better. Right? 

With that thought in mind the young witch drifted off only to be met with restless sleep and nightmares.

Time Skip

The plane landed, and Hermione soon forgot all of her worries. She couldn't believe she was back in her hometown. It seemed like yesterday that she was told she was a witch. Of course she was more mature than before. After all, war changes you. 

She had scars, both physical and mental and the words carved into her wrist were a constant reminder of everything she had endured.

She shook the thoughts out of her head as she rushed though customs and headed to the parking lot. She spotted her sister's truck and walked towards it. She opened the door expecting to see Bella or at least her dad. 

What she did not expect was to see a teen with russet skin, long dark hair, and dark eyes. He looked vaguely familiar but she couldn't place him. Probably because she could only see the side of him. He turned to her. "Hop in." he grinned "I don't bite." 

Hermione's eyes widened comically, not at what he said, but at him. "Jacob?" she gasped.

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