Ch. 5

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'Okay now we are allowed to talk for some reason can we please untie my hands cause it really fucking hurts.'

'Well I'd want to, but they told me to wait until I was done with my story so you would not run away or something.'

'...Fair enough, you can continue now.'

'Okay, so it's 1634 and the four siblings open their school officially. Over the past hundreds of years there has also happened a lot but you'll learn about that later. Now it's 2021 and most Aithers come from famous powerful bloodlines, but as I said in the beginning, sometimes it skips multiple generations or families have hidden their powers for centuries. It's the job of the people in the cafe to find the other Aithers.'

'Aahh, so you call yourself "Aithers" who get "The Gift" from their blood and are able to control like fire, water, earth and air? You know how that sounds like right?'

'Yea basically.'

'And we..?'

'Oh yea lol i forgot about that part, so yea, you guys walked into the cafe and our radars just went crazie henkie and we kind of freaked out. We were so busy that we also kinda forgot about your coffee.'

'ohhhh, how-...'

A weird gasping came out of Nora's mouth.

'Nora please not now.'


'I'm sorry okay, I'll get you a new one, at a proper cafe.'

'Hmmm, that's better, I'll take it.'

'Thank you, now, we're almost at the end, there are just a few other things you should know. According to our radars all four of you are Aithers, only we can't figure out what kind or how much energy you have. This means the exams are going to be interesting, but you won't need to worry about that yet. I think I have about half a minute left before they come to get you so I'll just rap the last part.'

He took a deep breath and started talking in real speed.

'In about half a minute some random dudes as you probably like to call them, are going to come in and untie you. They'll probably not speak and just take you with them. They'll take you to your room. Information about the school and everything I forgot to tell you will be explained there. Don't worry, everything will explain themselves an everything's going to be fine. You'll also probably see me around again somewhere because yea, it's also my school.'


'Eminem who?'

He was finished for like 3 seconds before the door opened, which apparently was there the whole time. A lot of people came through the door, men and women and dissenters, but only four stepped forward to reach out to your tied hands. The other dudes were probably there in case they tried to run or something.

'Damn boy, you have no idea how much I want to kiss you right now for what you just did.'

Eva was holding her wrists while rubbing them. The random dude who just untied her looked at her with a weird confused look and then grabbed her wrist.

'Au, fucking hell dude! What the hell did you do that for? I just said I wanted to kiss you! I take back my words you asshole! Humanity deserves to die...'

That last sentence was more of a whisper but Nora, Lisa, Sadie, Lars and the random dude all heard it. Nora, Lisa and Sadie didn't look up for it, they had heard it a thousand times, the random dude on the other hand looked up to her with an even more confused look than before.

'Dude, just ignore her, she doesn't mean it.'

'Sadie, what are you talking about, yes I do.'

'No you don't, now shut up and follow them.'

'Bye Lars! It was nice meeting you, I hope to see you again soon!'

Nora waved goodbye with her free hand and then turned her head towards the strangers.

'Hello there random dudes, how are y'all doing? I'm Nora for anyone questioning.'

When it stayed painfully quiet she ignored the awkward silence and just kept talking, doubt she even realized that there was one.

'I'm doing great! Thank you for asking. Damn who knew being kidnapped was going to be this fun.'

This was definitely NOT how I had planned the story to go in my head but my brain just kind of went and wrote this instead so yea I think I might need to come up with a new plot.

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