chapter 28

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Rocket's POV

I followed Jade and she looked at me, probably finally realizing that i was following her. "Yes?" She asked with a slight smile.

"Um.. About what i was saying in the livi-" I began but she quickly put on a smile she always gave me when she wanted to tell me that if it could wait.

I sighed and smiled.

"Fine. We'll talk later." She nodded and we both went our separate ways.

(Time jump)

I walked to the living room and saw the Avengers and my friends. "So?" I asked.

"We wait." Hawkeye said in a monotone voice.

"We what?!" I asked a little bit angrily, "We're gonna wait for them to attack innocents!?"

"I agree with Rocket." Jade stood up and walked towards me.

"I think we all agree with Rocket." Drax responded and the others nodded, except The Avengers.

"Are we gonna wait for those mutants to attack innocent people?" Jade said angrily. I looked up at Jade and smiled and she smiled back.

"Well. It's not my desicion. It's S.H.I.E.L.D.'s." Hawkeye said while stretching.

"Well screw this." I growled.

"Well just stop them ourselves." Starlord got up and started to walk towards the elevator.

"You guys don't even know where they're going to attack." Iron man said.

"We'll figure it out." Gamora said in a monotone voice.

We all walked out of the tower, except the Avengers.
Sooooooooo sorry for the late update. I'm paying the cost for not updating in a long time. Oh and I'm sorry for the shortness of this chapter.

Remember when i said I was going to tell you which idea i used?


Not gonna tell you till the next chapter. ^-^


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