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Seungmin wakes up the next morning to a terrible feeling of something swatting his face and giving licks to his nose, his cheek- he hears a distant tiny bark and then it's closer, louder as the vague edges of dreamland fade away, and his brain finally registers it as Daengmo's morning wake-up-Seungmin ritual. As much as the bed feels so comfortable right now...

Languidly sitting up, Seungmin stretches, clears the sleep out of his eyes and gives Daengmo his daily head rub before the little puppy scampers off to do whatever puppies do. What a cute little bugger.

He gets out of bed and walks to his closet, memories of last night making their presence and lingering in his mind. So. Seungmin came to an agreement with Hyunjin last night. A very... strange agreement. For Seungmin, at least. He's never done anything like this before.

Oh, well.

For now, he pushes these thoughts aside to focus on the day before him. He must go help Mrs. Kang at Yellow Wood Park today for the upcoming Levanter festival.

Today, Mrs. Kang, festival.

Seungmin breathes out and looks at his reflection in the mirror. Make today a good day, Seungmin.


"-and I swear, there is absolutely no one here who can do their job right!"

His head pounds as Mrs. Kang continues her tirade over the festival preparations. She's been bitching nonstop ever since he got here, and to be very honest, he doesn't know what she's complaining about anymore.

"And look at that! Look at how haphazard that booth is!" Seungmin watches as she groans loudly and storms off to hassle the poor workers.

He shakes his head. This is absolute madness.

Just as he turns back to his to-do list, however, his phone vibrates. Fishing his phone out of his pocket, he flushes when he sees Hyunjin's name in the notification. Hyunjin? How did he- Ah, whatever, he would not question it at this point. The guy must've put his number into Seungmin's phone when Seungmin wasn't looking.

He sighs as he opens the text.

Hey firecracker, you hungry?
Because if you are, I got a little surprise for you

A surprise? Huh... since Hyunjin asked about him being hungry, did Hyunjin bring him food?

Seungmin glances over to Mrs. Kang who is completely preoccupied with her nosiness. It's about time for Seungmin to go and get something to eat, especially since he skipped breakfast this morning, but... right. They have rules.

No public gestures. No romantic gestures. The thought is sweet but... Seungmin shakes his head as he puts his phone back into his pocket.

Hopefully, Hyunjin will get the message if he just ignores him.

And yet a few minutes later, there's another buzz, and Seungmin chews on his lip before he eventually relents and opens his phone again. It's still Hyunjin.

Why don't you head down to the south parking lot?
I know you won't be disappointed ;)

A smile unhelpfully tugs at the corners of his mouth as he re-reads Hyunjin's texts.

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