Chapter II: Inside out

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Darkness all around me, but where am I

"you are inside your mind, simply dumbass" a voice shouted from afar, "who are you ?" I asked

"ok now I'm hurt, Alex, you don't know me? I've been living inside you since you were born, that's how you greet an old friend? "

The darkness started to fade away, the vision is almost clear, I could see wings, black ones, but wait not two wings but SIX!!!

I couldn't see to whom it belonged until the wings fluttered causing a strong wave of wind that cleared made all the dark fog to disappear, and then I saw him, dressed in black from top to bottom, with his leather jacket and ponytail hair, holding a black sythe with his left hand and waving with the other at me to come.

"AAALEX, you are here," the stranger said "sorry, sorry, you don't know me, I'm Nix a dark angel, I've been living inside you for quite a long time"

That was unexpected, "but I didn't feel anything nor heard your voice in my head, anyway I think there's someone inside my mind too he's the one who brought me here in the first place"

Nix said "Ah sharp boy, I like it, that someone is trapped inside his mind, you see I reversed the spell when I detected it, I know I know, I'm amazing"

Such a show-off

Before I could say anything he added "listen, Lex, can I call you Lex? , never mind, we don't have much time before that guy breaks his spell and tries to kidnap you, since we are in your mind I'll reveal everything about how you can use the darkness magic along with the fighting techniques, in another word I'll share my knowledge and power with you, we'll be one, ready ?"

"wai..", he grabbed my head and visions, voices started to appear in front of me, next thing I opened my eyes to see that the hexagon room was broken and its fragments still floating, the mercenary just woke up too

"YOU ARE DEAD MEAT" he yelled with an angry tone, "we'll see about that" I answered

When he brought out his hand cannon I whispered "shadow claw"

My arm turned into a sharp claw, "this is getting interesting" the mercenary said

He started shooting black bullets from his gun, I don't know how but I avoided them, I wondered how but this is no time to lose my focus

As I dogged his bullets a managed to get closer to him, then I hit him with my claw, almost got him, the claws aren't enough

While he was reloading I whispered again "shadow cover" this spell turned my arms all dark black, and my palms were glowing with neon red

Since he shot black bullets, he uses darkness magic too so I am able to absorb the bullets, he shoot and shoot and shoot, but I absorbed all the bullets, using what Nix gave me, I was able to move the spell from my arms to my leg to increase my speed

"shadow claw," I said while getting close to him, he dogged every attack from me, like he could read my movements, but I already had an idea

One strong blow that's what I need, I threw my claw at him, when he dogged it with a backflip, my black shadow (a black clone of me) hit him with a strong attack, I can see that it worked, the claws penetrated his chest successfully

At last, I put end to this fight, I left to search for Samantha, leaving the body with five holes in its chest.

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