Chapter 1: Chained Up

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Minho's POV

I was waiting at the box hole. I have been here all day. I'm bored. I asked Alby if I could have the day off so I could see the new greenie, but I didn't expect the wait to be so long. I wonder who it could be. A sound broke me out of my thoughts: it was the greenie alarm. I jumped up and watched everyone else crowd around. 5 minutes later, the top finally opened. Newt jumped down. 'Minho, come see this!' I jumped down, a little confused. 'You're seeing this too, right?' I look at the same corner Newt was and see a girl. Her head was resting on the side of the box. The weird thing is, she was chained up, shackles were gripping her wrists and ankles. Her hands were tied above her head, and her knees were pulled into her chest with the chain connecting to the side of the box.

As I looked at her, I noticed something tucked into her hand. I walked over and carefully pulled a note from her hand. "'Be careful, she's tricky and dangerous!"' I read out loud.

Newt looked at me. 'What the hell does that mean?'

My gaze was torn away from Newt and onto the girl, hearing the chains move. She opens her eyes and looks at the chains. She smirks and looks at us. 'Help a poor girl out, would you?' I got lost in her eyes, I knew Newt was the same.

'What are you doing to us?' I tried to sound confident and in control, but it didn't work. The next thing I knew, I was kneeling in front of her, Newt doing the same thing as me.

'Help me get these chains off, please!' Her voice was so soft and so mesmerising, that it felt like I had no choice but to help her. Newt took the shackles off her ankles and I took the ones off her wrists. She rubbed her wrists and stared into Newt's eyes. She stood up and we followed. The two were just gazing at each other.

He took a small step towards her and placed his hand on her cheek. 'Are you ok?'

'Yes, thank you!' She gave him a small smile before she leaned in and kissed him. Just as she pulled away, Newt collapsed to the bottom of the box. Just as I was about to go to him, I felt her lips on mine. I could feel the air being sucked out of my lungs. I felt dizzy, too dizzy. The second she pulled away, the darkness surrounded me.

'Minho? Minho! Wake up, man!' I groaned at the pain in my head. 'Oh, thank god!'

'What happened?' I open my eyes and see Gally standing over me. He helped me up. I saw Alby standing over Newt, desperately trying to wake him.

'I think it was the girl, the last thing I remember is getting lost in her eyes, and then she kissed me!'

'Did it feel like she was literally sucking the air out of your lungs?'

'Yeah, did that happen to you?'

'Yeah, I think it also is what happened to Newt!' We both ran over to Newt. 'Newt?' I shook him a little. He groans. 'Oh, thank god!'

'What happened?' Alby pulled him up.

'The girl, that's what happened!'

'What do you mean, Minho?'

Before I could answer, a voice called down to us. 'I see you boys are awake!'

'What did you do to us?'

'Calm down, Minho! I won't hurt you unless it's necessary!'

'How do you know his name?'

'The same way I know yours, Gally! Also, hi Newt, hi Alby!' We just stared at her. She held her hand out. 'Come on, I will help you out!' No one moved. 'Newt, come on!' She stared at him.

'N-no!' He started to move towards her. He grabbed her hand and she pulled him out of the box.

'Alby? Gally?' The same thing happened to Alby and then Gally. 'Minho?' I felt drawn to her, it was like she was a magnet.

I managed to stop walking. 'No, whatever you're doing to me, stop it!'

'Fine, stay in there!' She jumped down and grabbed the chains.

She threw the chains out and was about to climb out when I stopped her. 'Wait!'

She turned around and faced me. 'Yes, Minho?'

I pushed her against the wall. I made her nervous, her breathing slightly increased and a light blush appeared. We were inches away from each other. I put my hand behind her neck and pulled her in. Her lips were so soft. I pulled away and jumped out. I heard her slide down the wall. I chuckled before running off to find the others. While running I laughed at the thought of her being so easy to manipulate.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04 ⏰

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