Chapter 2: The Abyss 2

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The young man merely sighed and shook his head in defeat.

“Whatever you say Craig I don't have the energy to debate with you today".

Hearing this Craig let out an even wider grin.

 "See wasn't so hard now was it Arias? I don't know why you gotta act so formal when you see me in uniform I’m the same Craig no matter what I wear".

Arias let out a deep sigh before replying.


Craig furrowed his brows and quickly retorted.

"...well fuck you too. But seriously thanks, you've sealed this bastards fate with this evidence you brought me".

‘Yet anyone falls into one of your schemes huh...’

Before Arias could reply another police cruiser arrived and parked near him and Craig.

"oh oh Kung fu panda has much you wanna bet he does something extra today?".

Arias shook his head in reply to Craig.

“It's Tuesday I doubt he's on normal sugar levels but if you insist, how does 500 sound? or do you prefer I lowe-".

Before he could finish his sentence a fat officer rolled out of the cruiser..."literally"...before crouching towards the pair.

“Officer Jenkins has arrived where's the activity".

Arias couldn't help but comment.

"Not in your brain so that's one place down".

Craig could only facepalm while shaking his head from side to side.

"It was never up to begin with *sigh* 500 bucks down the drain ,listen Jenkins I need you to escort the lady in my cruiser back to the station she's an attempted rape victim so try to keep your mouth shut before saying something stupid I'll bring this guy in after questioning this man here".

Jenkins saluted officer craig vigorously, he's chest bouncing up and down in a strange almost hypnotic way making anyone who saw this wonder if he's related to the 'Koolade man'. 

The young lady came out of officer craigs cruiser once informed of the situation and headed towards the other cruiser with officer Jenkins who was now shirtless after trying to offer the lady his top to cover her which she chose to remain in them despite her choice though he kept insisting. 

The pair on the side simply looked at the chubby officer who seemed to have an extra large justice boner today ,unable to watch any further Arias walked up to the lady and gave her his jacket which considering his height covered the girl up to her knees ,she looked up at him and only noticed now just how good looking the young man who saved her was. 

The warmth of his jacket and soothing sensation his voice gave made the woman feel somewhat light bodied. He gave her a small smile and turned to leave but she tugged his black button up shirt.

“I'm sorry for the way I reacted back there , it's just the thought of him being able to walk away like nothing happened made me feel so angry especially since it looked like you didn't care I know now it was just an act to fool him .so do  you forgive me ?"

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