-Part 5-

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Luke and Zander were walking to the club room, Hailey know something that she won't tell

I wonder what it could be?, something bad or something good?, hmm..

They both arrived at the club room, all the members should be gone by now since it's the afternoon.

They decided to peek through the window, and Hailey was getting her stuff to go. This was the best time to enter.

Luke open the door, and they both enter


"Oh hey guys", Hailey got her stuff in her backpack

"Hi Hailey, I have a question", Zander respond

"And what is this question?", Hailey question

"If you know anything about jake", Luke said

"Huh, knowing anything about him?", Hailey respond

"Mhm because you said this name that is " jaina", Zander said

"Oh, that..", Hailey sighed

"Who is she?, sister or brother of jake?", Luke question

"What is it?, we won't tell no one l swear", Zander said

"Well yea, but I promise jake to not say it", Hailey replied

"Come on Hailey, we both wanna know", Both of them said

"Fine, but if he find out about it, I'm putting all the blame on both of you", Hailey replied

"Okay", Both of them said

"Okay so that name is Jake's dead name", Hailey respond

"Deadname?", Luke respond

"Both of you are stupid no Offense", Hailey sighed

"Yes we are, but tell us", Zander said

"Jake used to be a girl.", Hailey respond

"I still don't get it", Luke respond

"Jake is transgender!", Hailey yelled

"Wait what", Zander respond, shock

"Well yeah duh", Hailey said

"Oh thanks for the info Hailey", Luke thanked her

"No problem?, anyways I got to go see you guys tomorrow", Hailey got her backpack

"No, he doesn't have any siblings it's just..", Hailey respond

"Bye Hailey", Both of them waved


All three of them left the room, and they noticed someone. It was drew

Oh sh-, did he heard what Hailey said?, did he found out that Jake is transgender?

Luke and Zander ran off past him, there is no way he heard that conversation with Hailey.

But if he really found out, we're so dead because drew could not support him

Oh no, this is both of them fault, they shouldn't have been nosey in Jake's life.

They both leave and pray that nothing happens to Jake.


Jake was going to meet Drew in the lock room, Jake was walking and he saw Zander and Luke ran off pass him

Did something happen?Why were they in the club room?, shouldn't they be home or something?


"Hey drew!", Jake waved

"O-Oh hey Jake", Drew respond

"What happen?, you seem a bit I don't know not you?", Jake question

"Oh I just heard something from that room", Drew pointed at a door

"Oh that's the music room, I been there", Jake respond

"Hold on, you're with those people?", Drew question

"Uhm yes..", Jake respond

"Don't be scared, I wasn't going to judge you, but there is one question", Drew said

"Okay, what is it?", Jake replied

"Are you actually transgender?", Drew question

"I..", Jake respond

"Be honest Jake.", Drew said

"O-okay, I am..", Jake looked away

"Why didn't you never told me?", Drew question

"I-I thought you were going to hate me", Jake sighed

"Look Jake, I'll accept you how you are but please don't hide stuff from me", Drew placed a hand on Jake shoulder

"W-Wait, you support me?", Jake respond

"Of course!, you will still be one of my bros!", Drew smiled

"Oh my god, thank you so much drew!", Jake quickly hugged drew

"No problem, that's what friends are!", Drew hugged back

"Also how did you know about that?", Jake question

"Oh I heard like a girl voice saying it, it sound like Hailey", Drew replied

"Oh.., thanks drew", Jake sighed

"No problem", Drew respond

"We should both go, it's about to be dark and I'm afraid of the dark", Jake said

"How about we both walk", Drew suggested

"Sure, that's fine with me", Jake smiled


Jake and Drew left to the building (school), it was getting dark then expected

Drew got to his place after a few minutes walking, both of them waved


Jake was now on his own, he was walking and walking and got mad and more mad to Hailey

How could she tell anyone about it, I mean sure drew supported him, but he should be the one coming out not someone

How could she break the promise, the promise..., he trusted her


Jake sighed, and walk off he was mad and he didn't need more stress over this stupid thing.

Oh just wait until Jake confesses to Hailey and just yells at her.

Why would she ever say that, who was she saying that to?, I hope it isn't nobody he knows.



I know the chapters are short, but I wanna finish this

Word Count - 832 😅

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