-Part 8-

436 18 4

Oh dear! Just 10 minutes left. Zander you better hurry up!

Zander finally ran all over to class and couldn't breath after all that running.

"Zander are you okay!?", Jake Say Helping him standing up right

"Mhm sorry about that, a-after all that running" Zander giggles

"Why were you even running, and where have you been?" Jake question

"Sorry for making you wait I wanted to give you this" Zander respond, giving Jake a pink flower

"O-Oh My" Jake blushed a little

"I had to go the garden, and trust me it was hard to get a flower because those bees" Zander laughed a little

"All that for me, aw!" Jake patted Zander on the head

Great!, That was one way to get Jake to open his eyes


Jake and Zander were laughing, making jokes and being so chaotic to each other.

Sadly the fun has ended, for the class has already finished.

"Aw man class ended so fast" Jake sighed

"Don't worry jakey, we will be in the music club anyways" Zander smiled

Jake blushed

What's going on today?First Luke became so close to me which was kinda cute and now zander is giving me a flower?

Aren't they both together, are they cheating on eachother or something?

This is so confused , but I feel so special at least for a day

Jake was kinda thinking and forgot that zander was there

Zander poke Jake at his cheeks which made Jake jump a little and relaxed when it was just zander

"Is there something wrong jake?" Zander question

"Oh no!, I was daydreaming pfft" Jake blushed

"I see anyways we should really go" Zander grabbed Jake by the hand

They both left the classroom what a class

Jake had to go to the bathroom so he waved at zander goodbye and Zander did as well

This made have a little time to find Luke and hailey about this bet that his stupid step sister did


Luckily Zander find both them, hailey and Luke were chatting

"Hey Guys" Zander respond

"Hey Zander!" Luke and Hailey say

"So about my class withJake, everything is going off so good" Zander smiled

"Alrighty, now it's time for both of you to tell the truth about yesterday" Hailey sighed

"I forgot about it" Luke say embarrassed

"Oh you better tell the truth or else I'll say it myself" Hailey told them

"Oh God, look fine at lunch time or something okay?" Zander suggested

"Okay good. Anyways speaking about lunch it's about to start in any moment now" Hailey smiled

"Fuc-, ugh fine" Luke say

"Great, have fun!" Hailey walk off from them

Once hailey was 5 feet away from them, she hold up 3 fingers

3 fingers holding

Letting one finger down 2

Letting another finger down 1

And Lastly letting the final finger down




Lunch has began

Hailey all did is smirked at zander and Luke while they both have the weird face

And Hailey has left to the lunchroom

Then Jake run up to them

"Hey guys!" Jake smiled

"H-Hey, Look we both need to talk about something." Zander respond

"Huh? About what?" Jake question


So about yesterday, when milly and Sean say that hailey told them that you are trans" Luke explain

"Oh yea. What about it?" Jake responded

"Well they both lie to you" Zander sighed

"Huh!?, this don't make sense I feel so confused" Jake worried

"I understand, look so that day afternoon in school" Zander explain

"Basically, we both have told hailey about the dead name of yours and she was saying how she can't say it since you both made a promise to each other" Luke sighed

"And then we forced to tell them that's what I think we have did to her, since we were both confused about that deadname" Zander say

"And Hailey have confirmed that you are transgender and I could tell she has kinda yell that her response" Luke say

"And we both left and we saw drew standing and we knew that we fuck up and we ran pass him" Zander finished

"So I.." Jake was shock

"And about milly and Sean we told them to lie to you because we felt so bad about being nosy to your life" Luke sighed

"Wow guys, you made me feel so SHITTY about saying so much bad stuff to hailey!" Jake yelled

"Look I understand you are mad and we are truly sorry" Zander sighed

"We will deal that later, but first I have to find hailey" Jake sighed and didn't bother to look at both of them

"We will give you space, goodbye jake" both of them waved

Jake didn't say anything and didn't wave at them and just ran off.


"Hailey!" Jake yelled when he found hailey walking into the halls

"Jake what's wrong" Hailey was hugging Jake for Jake ran into her arms

"I'm so sorry for being a shitty person to you, I didn't mean to yell at you. I'm sorry!" Jake yelled, crying as well

"Sh sh jake, it's okay I already have forgiven you" Hailey smiled

"Ready Hailey" Jake was surprised

"Of course, now how about we get some ice cream in the lunchroom" Hailey suggests

"Wait there's ice cream, come on let's go!" Jake grabbed hailey on the arm and run

They both giggled.

That will pay those Simps a lesson to not mess with me or else bets


Word Count - 908 😳

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