-Part 7-

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Zander and Luke walk to class, it's time for Zander to get Jake to like him.

"Okay Zander it's time for you to shine, don't do anything stupid in class", Luke laughed

"I promise I won't", Zander laughed

"Oki, see you later zan!", Luke waved

"Bye Lukey", Zander waved back


Zander had to do this little bit from Hailey, Zander felt like he was cheating on Luke, but a bet is a bet.

Zander walked to class, the teacher wasn't even there, He wasn't even surprised.

Zander saw Jake in his seat, looking down. Zander is going to have to come up with an idea to win this bet.


"Hey Jake!", Zander waved

"Hii Zander, you seem very happy", Jake waved

"Oh really?, maybe because how beautiful you are", Zander replied "Wait what-", Jake blushed

"Well duh!", Zander smiled"Oh, T-Thanks!", Jake smiled

"No problem!, anyways where is that teacher?", Zander question

"I don't know, I haven't seen the teacher for minutes now", Jake respond

"Oh well, as long we could be alone", Zander said

"Zander are you taking drugs again?", Jake question

"What no!, why would you say that", Zander laughed

"1) you call me beautiful, 2) you are being too nice soo", Jake respond

"No I'm not in drugs!, I'm just Myself", Zander said

"If you say so", Jake replied


It was dead silent between them, no Zander can't lose!, he only has 10 minutes with him

He was thinking for a while and decided to do something very clingy but it's worth it!

He placed his head on jake's shoulder


"Z-Zander, what are you doing?", Jake flushed

"I'm bored, and I'm very sleepy", Zander yawned

"O-Oh, well I guess you could sleep in my shoulder until class ends", Jake respond

"Okay!", Zander smiled

"Look at your fluffy hair", Jake laughed

"Oh yea haha!, it's always was fluffy at the start", Zander laughed as well

"Pat Pat, you are such a funny guy!", Jake patted Zander, Laughing

"Well of course!", Zander Laugh


Both of them were laughing, they had a good 10 minutes of laughter.

But it was ruined by the stupid school bell ringing, the class ended.


"Aw man we should go now", Jake got up

"Yea I know", Zander got up as well

"Well, it was fun having you in my class", Jake giggles

"Same!", Zander smiled

"See you later Zander!", Jake waved

"Bye Jake, I love you!", Zander respond, and then pause

"Wait what?", Jake respond

"O-Oh I should go now!See you later jake! ", Zander quickly ran

"Okay, bye bye", Jake waved and begin walking


"Dam Zander, Nice Move", Hailey laughed

"S-Shut up!", Zander flushed

"Don't worry, you did your part now Luke is next, isn't that right luke?", Hailey turned to Luke

"Like Zander said, shut up", Luke respond

"Haha I'm just playing!", Hailey laughed

"Oh look, it's time to be in your spot Luke", Zander respond

"Yea I know //", Luke replied

"Good Luck Luke~, Hailey respond

"Whatever!", Luke flushed

"See you guys later!", Hailey waved

"Bye Hailey", Both of them waved


"Okay Luke, Wish you Luck because Jake is a hard person to get", Zander laughed

"Okay I will do this bet", Luke replied

"Alrighty, see you later", Zander waved

"Bye Zander", Luke waved


This is his time now to do this bet, but how will l do it? There's only going to be just 30 minutes on class with him

He got an idea and walked into the classroom


Look I know this chapter is short, also the next chapter is going to also be short.

But Don't worry, the last final chapter is going to be long I swear


Word Count - 623 👈🙂

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