Chapter 4

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Harry and Ginny walked down in silence to the lake where people were waiting.

Where a patch of grass would've been there was a podium with a lectern in the centre.

To the left of the stage there was a row of white chairs and to the right there was a table filled with many framed certificates and medals.

There was a long red pathway through to the podium which was showered with white rose petals.

Next to the pathway had rows and rows of white plastic chairs.

Off to the side there was a massive white tent with the Hogwarts crest on it. The tent was filled with plates of little snacks for after the ceremony.

Harry took in the scene. It reminded him a lot of a wedding which was the exact opposite of what was happening.

There were many "important" ministry officials, Harry noticed that Umbridge wasn't there. That lifted Harry up.

More people were starting to arrive, crying and hugging each other. The Weasley clan were seated towards the front row of chairs.

Mrs Weasley was bawling into Mr Weasleys shoulder and Mr Weasley was silently crying. The same thing was happening with Ron and Hermione.

It was the same for Fleur and Bill except it was Bill bawling and Fleur crying quietly.

Percy and Audrey were staying quiet, Percy felt a lot of guilt as the past few months he hadn't even been with the family and then Fred dies right in front of him.

George had a look of utter shock on his face. He was staring at nothing in particular.

Charlie was staring at his fingers trying not to attract any attention. He had tears coming down his face.

Ginny's grip on Harry's hand tightened and she led him over to the chairs and they sat down. Harry felt so much guilt.

"I'm sorry." Harry mumbled to Ginny.

Ginny looked surprised.

"For what?"

"For Freds death." Harry said sadly "It's all my fault."

Ginny looked furious at Harry.

"Harry James Potter you listen here!" Ginny said loudly, the Weasleys and a few onlookers craned their necks around to see what was happening, "No one's deaths here were your fault ok? They were Riddles fault. None of us here blame you for Freds death and if you ever think once that it is your fault then I will shoot you with a bat bogey hex!" Ginny finished.

The Weasleys nodded their head vigorously, but Harry still felt the guilt inside of him.

"If only I gave myself up sooner." Harry said quietly to himself, thinking that no one would here.

But Ginny did. She felt her throat tighten; she didn't like to relive when she though Harry was dead.

"Don't say that, Harry." Ginny replied quietly and kissing him on the cheek.

They sat in silence, Ginny's head resting on Harry's shoulder.

Soon all the white chairs were filled with people and Ministry officials took their seats on the stage. New appointed Head Mistress McGonagall stood up and walked onto the stage and stood at the lectern. The talking slowly came to a stop as their focus was now redirected to the stage. Professor McGonagall cleared her throat loudly.

"Firstly, I would like to thank all of you for attending today's service. But we would like to tell you that you are not alone. We are all mourning today, but the people that have died have not died in vain. They died fighting for a better future, they died a hero." McGonagall said, Hermione gave a loud sob. "Now without further ado I would like you all to welcome Minister of Magic, Kingsley Shaklebolt to the stage." McGonagall finished her speech and sat down on one of the chairs on the stage. People applauded as Kingsley got up from his chair and stood at the podium, after a few moments the clapping died down.

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