Chapter 8

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Ginny looked at her reflection in the mirror of the room, pulling the black dress she was wearing down so that it was just at knee height. Her eyes were red and her face was swollen up. She walked over to her dresser and grabbed the pearl necklace and placed it around her neck. Then went back to looking in the mirror, making sure she looked presentable for her own brothers funeral. 

Ginny heard a flush coming from the toilets and Ginny wiped her tears from her eyes as the door creaked open. Harry appeared in the mirror next to her in a black suit with a white shirt and a black tie. 

"How are you holding up?" Harry asked Ginny as he wrapped his arms around her waist resting his chin at the top of her head. 

Ginny shrugged her shoulders as she felt that if she said anything, she would burst into tears.

Harry turned Ginny around and Ginny was taken into his warmth, they stayed like that for a good thirty seconds until Harry broke it off and took her hand in his.

"Ready?" Harry questioned Ginny. Ginny nodded as she was still trying to hold back her tears and keep her strong face.

They walked out of her room and made their way through the Burrow, nodding to some of the Weasleys as they went. They reached to the front garden of the Burrow (having to kick some of the pigs and chickens on their way to get out through the gate) and apparated to the nearby cemetery in Ottery St Catchpole.


Many people had come to Fred's funeral as he and George were practically celebrities' with their shop Weasley Wizards Wheezes (which had been closed since Fred's death to show respect).

Everyone took their seats as the ceremony started and George went up to the podium, his face very much like Ginny's but worse. His face was red and he looked as if he was on the verge of breaking. George took a massive breath in and exhaled, he stood frozen in his place for a few seconds gathering all his thoughts and then started talking.

"May 2nd has really wrecked us, we have all lost someone whether is be a partner, child or sibling, it doesn't make it hurt any less. At first I couldn't believe it, that my brother, my partner in crime was gone," George to a deep breath, "It hurt to even say his name for a very long time, it was too painful." George paused again, "But we have too. We have to talk about them because we are proud of them, because they deserve to be remembered. We talk about them, because even though they are not physically with us, they are never far from our mind. We talk about them, because they are a part of us, a part we could never ignore or disown. We talk about them because we love them still and always will. Forever. Nothing will ever change that." George said, "I talk about him, not because I'm constantly living in pain. I'm not anymore, but in my world, this is normal, and I'd rather live honestly and out loud. Joy, love, happiness, and gratefulness are my everyday, but so are death, loss , heartache, and grief. If you ever wonder if I miss you, the answer is always. Some days it's fierce, but over time, it's become gentler, like a constant melody, your name pouring through my mind, on repeat. Your the memory, the undercurrent of of my days." George said, "Me and Fred have been inseparable since birth, losing Gryffindor lots of house lots of points," He took a pause as the crowd laughed," But I think we made up for it in the Quidditch games. My life will never be the same without Fred but that doesn't mean I can make that life bad." With that George burst into tears and walked off the stage and back to his seat.

More people stood up and made speeches, either reminiscing about all the victorious pranks they pulled or talking about Weasley Wizards Wheezes. Finally it was time to lay George down to rest.


The people that attended the funeral were welcomed into the burrow to chat and talk about Fred, it felt quite therapeutic for George. He will constantly feel like he has lost a part of his soul but he must move forwards. Many people were coming up to him to talk about Fred but he only wanted to talk to one person.

"George?" Said the exact person he wanted to see.

"Angie!" George said in surprise, "How are you holding up?"

Angelina's eyes were red and blotchy, she  looked quite upset as she was quite good friends with Fred and might have been even more at some point. The point is, Angelina was a wreck.

"I'm alright I guess." She murmured glumly. Which George nodded too. They had only talked briefly to each other since the battle.

"Could you come with me please?" Angelina asked George.

The walked out the door and down the path and through the long reeds until they got to the forest.

"So...what's up..." George said awkwardly, he was never that uncomfortable when talking to people but Fred would usually start the conversation and George would continue it. Yet again another reminder that George is no longer with them.

"I have to tell you something George," Angelina started, "I have been keeping this in for a while, the only one that knew was Fred,  and we were planning this big thing to tell you but he's-" She stopped and took a deep breath, "The point is George that...I love you and I have for quite a while, me and Fred had devised a plan starting in sixth year to try and make you notice me. He asked me to ball to try and get you to notice me." Angelina said sadly, "We even tried dating for a period of time but-" Angelina was cut off my George pressing his lips onto hers.

They stayed like that for a minute or so then broke apart panting.

"I love you too Angie." George said smiling


Meanwhile at the Burrow

"Has anyone seen George?" Ron asked everyone.

"Yeah and where is Angelina?" Hermione said, looking around the room.

Then it hit everyone.

"George and Angelina are both missing at the same time." Ron thought out loud. "AND, they both have a massive crush on each other. That doesn't sound suspicious at all." The people in the Burrow laughed and went back to what they were doing, not that fussed about George and Angelina and thinking that it was about time they got together.

"Funny how no one noticed Angelina and George have been gone for an hour." Ginny said to Harry.

"What!??!" Harry said surprised, "They're missing?" Ginny laughed at Harrys cluelessness.

Harry was about as observant as a brick wall. Did Slytherins come back to fight in the battle of Hogwarts? Did Draco Malfoy enjoy crossdressing? Is Hermione transgender? Who knows, certainly not Harry. He didn't notice Hermione time travelling around him for a whole year, his own teachers handwriting, he didn't notice he was a wizard and 'oh the glass is gone! I don't know maybe that happens with snakes sometimes'.

Angelina and George eventually got back into the Burrow and the room went silent for a few seconds before everyone started laughing again whilst George and Angelina went scarlet in colour.

Hi Everyone!

Thank you for all the reads and getting  this story past 400! We are 9 away from 500 so the more views the better!

Just a quick shoutout to @TheFunnyGuyMan and @suppeepsqqqqqq for voting on the stories! If you would like a shout out next chapter than please vote on the story! I really appreciate it!

Also a quick thanks to the people that actually read this part. (I don't mind if you don't as I never read the bottom bits on the stories that I read anyways lmao)

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Merry Christmas Everyone!!!

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