Dont ever leave me

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After school I went home and changed into the dress Annie bought for me and walked over to erens house to apologize. I walk up to the door and knock. His little sister answers.

"Ha hi!"

"Hi is eren here?"

"Yup I'll go get him!" She run up the stairs behind her and takes a right when she reaches the top. I can hear her go in as the door creaks open. Then suddenly a shattering scream fills the air. I run up the stairs and stand behind erens little sister looking upon eren hanging from the ceiling. I gentally push her aside and pick up the chair hopefully he recently kicked from under him. I grabbed my pocket knife that I always had on my and in one quick swipe I cut the rope. Eren and I fall to the floor, he landing on me. His mother stands in the door way on the phone. I reposition us so I'm cradling him I'm my arms as flows of tears burst out of my eyes. Half of erens body is in the ground as the other is on my lap. I lean closer and whisper "don't leave me eren please, you can't die why would you do this...... it's all my's all my fault....why...." . My tears fall from my face on to his indicating how close I am.

Then I'm pulled away from him yelling for him as the ambulance picked eren up and sets him on a stretcher. One cop takes me to the living room were I find my father and he tries to calm me.

When everyone was gone I went with erens family to the hospital. We rode there in silence until I spoke.

"I'm sorry, this was all my fault."

"Oh no it wasn't honey of course it wasn't, eren loved you so dearly." Carla says.

"That's it I got mad at him cuase Annie came over saying that I took her man like they were still going out and I didn't know who to believe so I didn't talk to him or her. I shut them out and he tried to apologize but I didn't believe him, I didn't believe anything he said, I thought he was just lying. And I rejected him when he asked me to go to the prom with him. T-the-then I got a letter yesterday and he said something about his last words were that he loved me always." Then I break into a sob as I remember all the things he did for me, those gratefully unexpected loving things for me, going through a lot just for me, why me though?

"S-see its all my fault, I'm sorry". I whisper.The rest of the way there was silent.

When we got there we had to wait in the waiting room till eren was all prepped up and taken care of. When we were able to go in there I went to him and saw him breathing fine, perfectly fine. I grabbed a chair and set it next to his bed and held his hand, still crying. "I'm sorry eren, deeply sorry. I will never leave your side." I whisper through the tears.

As the night got darker I eventually fell asleep holding erens hand.


I wake up of a ray of sunlight blinds me. Am I dead? I think to myself. I try to look around. There was a window to my right with the sun shining through it, a door to my left, lights above that are turned off, furniture, and a person, a girl wearing a black dress. My hand is warm, she's holding my hand. She has brown hair, perfectly straight, that covered her face that was stuffed in the bed I'm laying on. I itch my face discovering tubes that run into both my nostrils and one in my hand. Ahoka?, I'm not dead???? B-Brianna????? Tears fill my eyes and run down my face. A feeling of rustling by my arm, Brianna was waking up. She looks up with her cute tired eyes into my water ones.


My eyes grow big as I see Erens face and his sad watery eyes. I get up and gentally try to hug him.

"Your alive, your alive." I burst out in tears. My face turns red from embarassement but I just don't care.

"B-b-Brianna." Eren whispers and wraps his weak arms around me and plants a kiss on my cheek.

dont ever leave me eren x meWhere stories live. Discover now