The walk I needed{stevepop}

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Steve liked soda. No dought about it. He wouldn't admit it soda, but he was extremely jealous of all the girls tryina get in his pants when their at the gas station.

Some times it would be jealously that would make him act different around his best friend, or sometimes it was a wet dream that would change his attitude. It pissed him off not being able to control himself.

"Steve! Wass 'up man?" Soda punched Steve playfully making him get his head out of the clouds. "oh hey Pepsi, I was actually heading to your house" Soda chuckled at the nickname. "oh yeah? What for?" Steve couldn't tell him the truth on that one. Or could he..? He was gonna confess when He got to sodas house but He wasn't ready yet. He chose to walk to get emotionally prepared for rejection. If he told him now Steve didn't think he could take it.

"oh uh nothing, just wanted to see my buddy" 'buddy'. Steve didn't like using that word. But it was a word of friendship and didn't give hints for something really wrong. "Aww thx man" Soda chuckled. "yeah.." Steve continued the walk knowing soda would follow. "hey man you doin alright? You seem kind of down..?" Soda looked over at his friend. "Oh, who? Me? I'm alight" soda didn't believe him. Soda had known Steve almost his whole life. He knew Steve was a horrible liar and had always told him it was pointless lying to his best friend. "I'm serious. What's wrong?" Steve didn't answer. "Stevie?" Soda bumped his shoulder. Steve continued to walk until soda gripped him by the shoulders and turned Steve to face him, stopping them both. "Steven Randle. You tell me what's wrong." Steve chuckled a bit from soda's sudden change of mood, but sighs to prepare himself. When soda rejected him he knew he would cry and that would make it hard to look soda in the eye the next times he would see him. H wasn't ready. He was scared. There was a silence. A long silence and it scared Steve. Soda wasn't going to leave him alone until he spilled what he was most dreading the response to.

"I was gonna confess to you that I li-liked you.." Steve mumbled. "What? I couldn't hear you.. Speak up?" Soda looked worriedly at Steve. Steve's heart couldn't take it. He was about to break and it would be over. His built up emotions always got in the way and he just got mad about it later.

"I was gonna confess to you okay?! That I liked you..! But I needed the walk to yours to prepare myself. I needed to prepare myself for the rejection. Yeah It sounds stupid, but my heart just couldn't take it without a moment to prepare myself. So just yell at me. tell me how disgusting I am. Do something!" Soda looked at Steve in shock. Steve couldn't read what is eyes were telling him."Soda please say something. I'm sorry i-" He was cut off by a pair of lips he so hopelessly desired. The lips of his best friend since grade school. The pair of lips that belonged to Sodapop Curtis who, to Steve, was the most beautiful man in the world. soda parted their lips only to say "I like you too stevie.." and connected their lips together once again. Steve's heart took an unexpected jump. It was pounding. He was caught off guard. There was truly nothing to worry about.

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