•Chapter 1•

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•Jimin's Pov•

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•Jimin's Pov•

I'm the son of King Namjoon and Queen Jin of Heaven. Life in Heaven is actually quite different then what most people might think. It's not just fun and games like the stories might say.

We have real jobs and real responsibilities... well at least most people do.

My mother is way too overprotective of me so I'm not allowed to leave the house without at least 5 bodyguards.

At least I have my friend Tae come over and keep me company. Sometimes I go to his shop and help him sell his clothing.

Everyone has visited Hell at least once here, except me of course. I want to go so bad because it sounds so interesting.

As I'm deep in my thoughts I hear my mother call for me.

"Jimin darling! Could you please come here for a moment?"

"Yes mother, I'll be right there."

I go downstairs to meet Mother and I also see Father sitting with him and the table.

"Jimin, we have been thinking since you recently turned 8000 years old that it is only fair that you are able to go visit Hell at least once. Of course you will be going with many bodyguard-

"I GET TO GO TO HELL!!! I'M SO EXCITED!!!" I said interrupting my father.

"Yes Jimin." He chuckled.

"Tae will also be going with you to act as your guide since he has been there a few times and is quite familiar with some of the most popular spots."

"Yay!! So when do I get to go?"

"You can go today if you'd like, you just have to start packing now."

As soon as I heard my mother say that I ran to my room and picked my best outfits. I didn't know what to expect.

Everyone always said Hell was ugly, dark, and dangerous but I'm just excited to experience something different.

~Time skip~

I'm at the portal of Hell with Tae and we are about to enter when my mother says something.

"Jimin, wait!"

"Yes mother?"

"Remember to please be careful. You're a gorgeous being and many demons can be sly and try to trick you to use you. Please be careful and wary." My mother said with a very worried look.

"Don't worry mother. Nothing will happen. It's not like I will fall in love with a demon or something."

He chuckled a little bit and patted me on the back. My parents waved goodbye and me and Tae walked through the portal.

Once we were fully transported to Hell I looked around and was in shock. How could anyone say this place is ugly?

Everything would be dark if it wasn't for the red lights all over the place whether it was street lights or shop signs.

"Jimin, what do you think of Hell?"

"Tae, I honestly have no words. It's just utterly gorgeous!"

"I know right! So many angels hate coming here because they think it's ugly but it's so beautiful and unique."

We were standing there for a few minutes just taking in the view of everything until one of the bodyguards tapped me on the shoulder.

"Prince Jimin, I believe it's time to go check into our hotel."

"Ah yes thank you! Let's go shall we?"

The bodyguards took us on the path to the hotel. Many people were staring at Taehyung so I decided to say something.

"Taehyung, why are so many people staring at you?"

"Jimin, they are staring at you..."

"HUH? Why would they be staring at me. I have never even been here before." I started questioning in a confused tone.

"Jimin since you are the prince of Heaven and for the first time you actually left Heaven people are shocked to see you."

"Since I've never left, how do they know it's me?" I said while I was still very confused.

"No average angel has 12 bodyguards following them at every turn and any news regarding you spreads very quickly. ."

"I guess.."

We soon arrived at the hotel after walking for a while.

We went into our hotel room and of course I found out that my parents rented a whole floor for just me and a whole other one for my bodyguards. Normal behavior for the Kim's.

Me and Tae settled in and organized our stuff in the hotel room.

"Jimin since we're finally alone I have something I want to tell you but you have to promise me you won't freak out."

"Uh sure Tae what's up?" I look at him with a brow raised.

"Well on my first trip I met a demon here and every time I visited we would meet up and we ended up really liking each other and well now we're dating so like yeah.."


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