•Chapter 2•

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•Jimin's Pov•

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•Jimin's Pov•

"Well on my first trip I met a demon here and every time I visited we would meet up and we ended up really liking each other and well now we're dating so like yeah.."


I couldn't believe what I just heard.

My best friend.

Is dating.



"Tae! Do you know much trouble you could get in? You know that angels and demons dating is illegal!"

I shouted at him. I'm not upset at him, I'm just scared that he could be banished to hell permanently if this news gets out.

"Jimin of course I know but I just love him so much I can't break up with him."

"If this news gets to Heaven then you will never see your family again!"

"JIMIN! I know, you don't need to make me feel worse but he really is a good guy. Trust me."

"He is a DEMON! You know about the stories. How they are scary and try to hurt angels."

"It's not all true Jimin! Your parents just said that to you because they are super overprotective. Just trust me on this. I want you to meet him so would you want to? Maybe we could even go to a club and have some fun."

"The bodyguards would never let us go-"

"Who said that we are going to go with them?" Tae said with a sly smirk painted across his face.

"Huh?" I said not understanding what he meant.

"We have wings, Jimin. We can just fly out the window and come back before they suspect us."

This is quite risky but I do want to experience the nightlife of hell and meet my best friend's boyfriend.

"Alright I guess but we can't be out for that long." I say reluctantly agreeing.

"Yes! Maybe you'll find a cute guy? You never know." He said with his sly smirk returning.

I roll my eyes at his comment.

"You know that won't happen Tae. There is no way I'm going to break the law my own parents made."

"Whatever just promise me you'll have fun and you know what let me get you your outfit. I planned ahead for this so I brought one for you."


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Jimin's Outfit

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Jimin's Outfit

Jimin's Outfit

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Tae's Outfit

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Tae's Outfit

"Tae this outfit is gorgeous!" I said in awe of the beautiful dress and shoes.

"I know I made it myself and for the shoes I went to the most expensive designer store in heaven." He said, sounding pleased with himself.

"You know what, maybe this won't be so bad." I muttered to myself hoping Tae wouldn't hear.

"See I told you!" He replied.

I guess he heard me-

I then walk to the door of our room before getting dressed and of course outside are the bodyguards.

I tap one of their shoulders.

"Please make sure that you don't knock because me and Tae are going to go to bed early because we've had an eventful day."

The bodyguard nods and I close the door.

I then go to the bathroom to get dressed while Tae gets ready in the room. After I'm done I put on some perfume and walk out.

"Tae you look amazing!"

"Thanks Minnie!"

Tae smiles and nods at me as he starts to quietly open the window.

Once it is fully open Tae goes in first and starts hovering by the window waiting for me to go through.

I go through and start hovering too.

"Okay so we're going to go to a club called Fire. I actually haven't been but my boyfriend said they have good drinks. Wait, you have never drank, right?"

"Yeah it's a sin to drink in Heaven unless it's for your wedding ceremony. But I guess I'm not in Heaven right now am I huh."

"Ahhhh! Jimin you're becoming bad and you've only been in hell for 2 hours." Tae says freaking out.

I just chuckled in response.

We arrived at Fire after flying for a few minutes. Once we landed immediately all eyes were on us.

As we walked in we heard many people whistling and calling us different things.

I thought this was just because we were dressed in a different color then everyone but Tae made sure to tell me it wasn't.

"Jimin, just ignore them. Don't talk to them or even look at them. Keep your head down and follow me. We're going to the V.I.P room to meet my boyfriend.

We make it to a dark red door with 2 bodyguards near it. Tae whispers something to them, they nod and then open the door for us.

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