•Chapter 4•

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•Jimin's Pov•

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•Jimin's Pov•

I obviously just expected the person to leave after but when the part arrived they swiftly turned me around and dipped me.

When they did I looked into their eyes and I swear I have never seen someone so handsome before.

I was never allowed to go out with anyone in Heaven or really even have friends that weren't Tae.

My parents were scared someone would 'corrupt me' whatever that means.

But when I saw this man's eyes that were black and red like everyone else's but his eyes were glowing.

He just looked amazing. He stared into my eyes and I swear I almost passed out.

"Hello little Angel."

When the man uttered those three words it's like my whole world shifted. His voice was so deep and rough. And here I thought Tae's voice was a little deep.


He brought me back to a normal position and cupped my cheeks with his large hands.

"You're gorgeous, doll." He said with a smirk.

Jimin, remember what mother said about demons. They are sly and just want to play with pretty angels. But then again I don't just want to be rude to the handsome man..

"Th-thank you." I said while my whole face was beet red.

He chuckled and it was such a nice sound. I would love to hear him for hours upon hours.

"Are you here alone, pretty Angel?"

"N-no. My f-friend is at the b-bar with h-his boyfriend."

"Mm alright mind if I join you guys?"

I was shocked he even wanted to hang out with me.

I just shook my head and walked him to where my friends were.

When we got there I saw Hoseok eating Tae's face.

I immediately went and pushed Hoseok off of Tae.

"What the fuc-"

"WHY WERE YOU EATING HIS FACE?" I yelled at him. At least Tae didn't look too injured. He was panting a lot though.

"We were just making out- and you ruined it!" He said in an upset tone.

"What is making out?"

Hoseok looked at me with a weird look.

"Jimin, it's fine, don't worry about it. I guess we should get goi-

As Tae said that he bumped into the demon I met on the dance floor. His eyes went wide in shock.

"Yo-you-your hi-higne-"

As he was about to finish his sentence the guy I met covered Tae's mouth and shook his head.

Tae nodded and backed up.

"Like I was saying, Jimin, we should get going now."

Tae quickly grabbed my hand and he started pulling me towards the exit of the club. As he was pulling me I turned towards the man and waved goodbye to him with a frown on my face and he waved back with a smirk on his face. Once we were outside he let go of me harshly.

"Jimin we have to go now! Come on!" He said starting to fly.

I brought out my wings and started flying with Tae too.

"Why did we have to leave so quickly Tae? I was going to introduce you to the guy I met."

"Jimin. You need to stay away from that man. He is one of the bad demons that your parents were talking about."

"But you said that they are not all bad."

"Exactly not all but I never said that they were all good. He is one of the ones you need to stay away from."

"But why? What did he do?" I pleaded with Tae.

"I can't say but trust me he is definitely one of the ones you don't want to mess with.

"But he was so nice and handsome and his glowing eyes and his deep voice-"

"Don't tell me you feel in love with HIM-"

"Of course not but... well I don't know I wouldn't be opposed to meeting him again."

"Oh my moon I would be killed by your parents if they heard what you just said."

I didn't respond to what he said and just kept flying until we reached the window.

We quickly got back in the room and changed into our sleeping clothes.

We then actually went to bed.

~Time Skip~

I woke up to knocking on the door of our room.

I open the door and it's one of the bodyguards.

"I'm terribly sorry to wake you up prince Jimin but I just wanted to inform you that the King of Hell has requested your presence in 1 hour." The man also gave me a big box with a golden bow.

"This is an outfit that the king specifically chose for you to wear your highness."

I just nod, taking the box in my arms and not really taking in what he's saying since I just woke up.

I then set down the box and close the door. I mentally wake up and realize I'm going to meet the king of hell in 1 hour-

"Tae!" I yell repeatedly while shaking him trying to wake him up.

Once he wakes up fully I tell him what the bodyguard told me.


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