9| Going 'home'

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They chose a sci-fi film about a boy who can freeze time, or something like that. Karma wasn't really paying attention to the movie, he was secretly watching Gakushū.

The boy was chewing on popcorn and sipping soda, eyes glued to the screen, looking really invested in the movie. Karma found this cute, the way Gakushū's eyes would "flash" in excitement. The boy would occasionally mutter to himself, theories about what will happen next or who the main villain really was.

The red head was relieved that he's managed to distract the strawberry blonde from his pain.

Physically, mental, and emotional pain.

Maybe after this they should drop by the pharmacy to buy the pills Gakushū needs.

His golden eyes moved to Gakushū's bandages. The ones on his arms, wrists, and the visible ones on his neck.

It's sick, what Gakuho does to his son is sick. And it started when Gakushū was only six years old? Karma closed his eyes, and he could hear Gakushū's voice as he told him about his childhood. If you could even call it a childhood.

He could see, very clearly, Gakuho beating young Gakushū. And Gakushū crying, begging, howling in pain and fear. And the sickest part, was their mother feeding them lies. Feeding Gakushū's brain that what Gakuho does is out of love.

" "He loves you. In his own, twisted way he cares, he's only doing this to make you stronger" that's what mother always told us. We just needed to look at this from his perspective, understand him" he could hear Gakushū's cold voice in his head. He looked to his side, only to see that Gakushū has his lips sealed and is still watching the movie.

When the movie ended, Karma asked if Gakushū wanted to go home already.

The red head was referring to his home, not Gakushū's. Well, Gakushū's home can hardly be called a home in the first place.

"I should go home" Gakushū said. "I better face my punishment soon and get it over with quickly"

Karma opened his mouth to object, but Gakushū held up his hand. "Prolonging my inevitable punishment will do me no good. I will have to face the music anyway"

He saw Karma's look of frustration, and decided to ease him up by saying "Relax, I'm sure whatever punishment my father decides to give me I'll be able to handle it. I'm used to it"

"Why are you talking like that?" Karma asked with disbelief.

"Like what?"

"Like your father beating you up is a normal thing!"

"Because it is"

"Yes, so normal it drove you to taking a swan dive off a bridge!"

"That was an accident! I wasn't in my right mind! It won't happen again!"

Karma suddenly grabbed Gakushū by the shoulders. "And how would you know?!" He yelled. Gakushū flinched, and on instinct he closed his eyes shut, pushed Karma away roughly and raised his arms as if to shield himself.

The red head froze, and mentally hit himself when he realized what he did. "I-- I'm sorry" he stammered. "Did, did you think I was going to hit you?"

The strawberry blonde didn't answer. Karma was about to place a hand on Gakushū's shoulder, but instead found himself delicately placing it on Gakushū's cheek instead.

He gently pushed Gakushū's face to face him. His thumb rubbed the strawberry blonde's cheek in the most soothing way he could. Gakushū opened his eyes. There was fear, and shame, in those violet orbs.

The fear, Karma can understand. But why was there shame?

"I'm sorry" Gakushū found himself saying. Karma frowned. "For what? I should be the one apologizing, I shouldn't have grabbed you like that" that must have triggered a traumatic memory in the blonde, seeing how he reacted.

"Just take me home Akabane " Gakushū sighed, removing the hand on his cheek.


The ride to Gakushū's house was a painful, icy, quiet one. It looked like the boys had a lot to say to each other, but neither knew how to word it. Karma's eyes would occasionally stray to the boy beside him, looking out the window.

"We should be there by now Akabane, are driving slowly on purpose?" Gakushū asked, but he didn't sound angry at all. He sounded amused.

"No way, don't flatter yourself Asano. Do you really think I want to be in this car with you any longer? Please" Karma rolled his eyes with a smirk.

He heard his companion snort at him.

Finally, and unfortunately, they arrived at the Asano's residence.

The red head didn't know what he was expecting of the Asano's house, he knew they were loaded. But he certainly didn't expect it to look so....normal.

"Here we are" Gakushū said quietly, unbuckling his seatbelt and getting out of the car, Karma following his lead.

"We forgot your stuff at my house" Karma remembered. Gakushū shrugged. "I'll com over and pick it up tomorrow I guess" then, thinking about it he added "Or maybe just give it to me on Monday, I don't think I'll be allowed to leave the house all weekend"

Wouldn't be the first time too. His father even once locked him inside the house for an entire month while he went away on a business trip. Gakushū survived on instant ramen and whatever was left in the fridge.

The strawberry blonde went "autopilot" mode. With a blank stare, and a stiff body, he walked towards his front door. Karma was right behind him, which, comforted him just a little bit.

Gakushū twisted the door knob and pushed the door open, peeking inside. The hallway was dark, definitely not a good sign.

"I....I'm home" he called, stepping inside.

Suddenly, there were heavy footsteps coming from upstairs, then the shadowy figure of the chairman emerged. Gakushū unconsciously stepped back when his father descended the stairs and approached him at a rapid pace.

Karma could see that the man was disheveled, his eyes unnervingly wide and the dark circles under his eyes were more prominent, his usually neatly ironed suit had crinkles, and Karma could see a stain on his button up.

He grabbed his son's shoulders, ignoring his cry of pain.

"Where the hell have you been?! "

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