32| The person he used to be

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There is a swelling storm, and I'm caught up in the middle of it all, and it takes controll of the person that I thought I was, the boy I used to know


Gakushū: I'll return it to you after school. Just meet me at the rooftop

Karma didn't reply, but his message was seen so he must have received his message.

Gakushū got up from the floor, dusted the back of his pants, and walked to the door. As soon as he opened the door, he was met with the concerned look of Ren. "Ren!" He exclaimed in surprise, stepping back a bit.

"There you are!" Ren grabbed his wrist and dragged him with him. "I've been looking all over for you! Where have you been man?"

"Enjoying my lunch break" Gakushū explained.

"Why didn't you eat at the student council room, with the rest of us?" Ren lightly demanded.

"I...just wanted to be alone" Gakushū reasoned. "Ah, I see" Ren didn't seem to believe him, but he let it go.

"Your father will be angry if we're a minute late. Best arrive early" Ren advised. Gakushū frowned "What, do you mean by that? Ren"

"Did you forget? He'll be taking over our lessons from now on. Until he finds a better homeroom teacher for us, what with Sensei leaving so suddenly" Ren explained to him. Gakushū was finding this hard to believe. "I did not know about this, in fact this is my first time hearing of it!"

"Didn't your dad tell you?"

Gakushū gritted his teeth. "No. He didn't tell me a thing" and honestly, he expected as much. Gakuho wanted to take him by surprise, so he couldn't plan anything to prepare himself.

"Are you alright?" Ren blinked, feeling his friend was upset.

"I'm fine" Gakushū insisted, smiling. "I'm perfect"

He wasn't fine. Not at all


"Well, if he isn't absent or skipping, then he's very late" Irina commented as Karma passed her and slide opened the door. His classmates' heads turned to him.

The red head blankly stared back. "What?"

Everyone returned to what they were doing.

"Karma-kun! I'm surprised you came at all" Korosensei greets him.

"Me too" Karma smirked. "Plans change is all"

Nagisa looked at his friend with furrowed brows. He could tell, Karma was pissed off and it would be better if everyone left him alone to clear his head. "Why is he so mad?" Nagisa wondered.

Karma's eyes kept moving to the clock on the wall, counting the seconds, the minutes, biting his lower lip hard enough to draw blood. Korosensei's lesson went inside his ear and came out the next one, he really couldn't care less. He just wanted his mother's muffler back, and he's ticked at Gakushū for stealing it.

"I shouldn't have brought it out" he thought. "I should have just kept it in the box"

His knee kept bouncing up and down, his finger repeatedly tapped his desk, while his other hand played with the rubber knife under the desk. He could throw it at Korosensei while he had his back turned just to throw him off, surprise him just for kicks.

And he did just that.

But Korosensei caught his knife with one of the tentacles without even looking back. "Karma-kun please don't interrupt the lesson next time!" He exclaimed, waving his tentacles. Then he added "and try not to be so obvious" rather mockingly. Karma 'hmped' and leaned back.


Gakuho can feel the burning hatred from his son's gaze, can sense his anxiety, his anger and fear. Gakushū hated being in this classroom, with him. And this served to amuse and annoy Gakuho "Trying to stand up to me again Gakushū?" Didn't he learn his lesson from last time?

Didn't he learn from his sister's mistakes?

Nanami. Gakuho's eldest child, his runaway daughter, the failure. She couldn't handle the responsibilities of being an Asano, couldn't bear the pain of being his daughter, and one day she finally had enough, packed up her belongings and left the house.

The coward Asano, the failure daughter.

She reminds him of himself when he was younger. Both she and Gakushū do

They both remind him of the person he used to be

And it leaves a bad taste in his mouth.

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