25| Memories of an empty promise

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I'm not special, who the hell am I, to think I'm special, I'm not so well
Thanks for asking


"Karma-kun..psst" Nagisa stared at his friend's empty eyes. "Hey" he snapped his fingers close to Karma's face, successfully pulling him out of whatever world he was in. "What?" Karma asked, meeting Nagisa's concerned blue eyes.

"Rio has an idea for a trap to assassinate Korosensei" Nagisa said. "She said she needs a lot of help for this one" and also this can be a good distraction for whatever thoughts were plagueng his friend's mind. The red head eyed his monster teacher blankly. The octopus was reading an erotic magazine, his entire skin was a bright pink. But it was obvious, at least for Karma, that he was listening to them from the angle of his seat.

"Pass" Karma said, standing up. "What? But Karma-kun" Nagisa protested.

Too late, the red head was already out the door.

"How long has it been?" Kayano asked him. "A couple of weeks" Nagisa answered. "It's not that he's stopped assassinating Korosensei, he's just doing everything on his own now. He stopped playing as a team player and is now doing things solo" Nagisa explained.

"He's looks pretty out of it too" Rio commented.

"Out of it how?" Nagisa asked.

"Haven't you noticed how his movements during sparring matches are a little slower than usual? As if he doesn't have the energy" Rio remarked.

"Is it because of Asano-kun?" Nagisa wondered.

"Why does he care so much about Asano-kun?" Kayano asked as well.

"I don't think it's only just about Asano-kun. Mr. I'm-so-perfect's situation would worry anyone. Any good person would do what they can to rescue someone from that sort of household. But for Karma...this seems to be so personal to him" the blonde furrowed her brow. "At least that's my theory"

"We shouldn't talk so openly about this...here" Kayano pulled Rio and Nagisa closer to her. "This situation is personal and complex" she eyed the curious Isogai who was watching them with concerned eyes. Kayano smiled and nodded at him. "Let's talk to Karma after school"


Karma was practicing his shooting skills at a tree. It was a waste of the anti-koro bullets, but he didn't have anything better to do.

His stomach grumbled, demanding it be filled with food.

Lunch started minutes ago, and Karma had skipped breakfast.

Gakushū didn't attend school today. Or last week, or the week before. It worried him endlessly, what if the chair man was doing horrible things to his son?

What if Gakushū decided to jump off a bridge again? What if he's been taking those pills again? Karma closed his eyes and pulled the trigger, but nothing. I opened his eyes and checked for bullets, but it was empty. He checked his pocket.

He ran out of the anti-koro bullets. Growling he tossed the gun to the side and fell backwards, landing hard on the grass. He watched the clouds floating in the sky, trying not to think about the dark possibilities that happened to Gakushū.

Asano Gakushū is strong, he's not a quitter, he'll fight for his survival.

"With the exception of that one time he tried to drown himself by taking a swan dive off a bridge" Damn it he needs to stop thinking about that scene!

He took out his phone, and re-read their previous messages.

The last message he received from Gakushū was from last week, on a Friday evening.

That he wasn't okay, but he's happy his friend, Karma, was checking up on him.

Karma places the phone near his head, and closed his eyes. Letting sleep overtake him.


He reached for the scarf and pulled, hard. Trying his best to keep his mother by his side.

"Honey..I have to go" she told him gently.

"You promised you'd stay" he fired back, pulling on the scarf.

The woman unwrapped the red fabric from her neck, and wrapped it around him. She smiled as the red fabric covered his mouth and nose, finding him adorable as he blinked up at him.

"You look adorable in that thing dear...keep it" she parted away his bangs, exposing his forehead.

"So you'll have something to remember mommy by" she kissed his forehead, her lipstick left behind a kiss mark.

"You'll be back for Christmas yeah?" The small child asked with big, hopeful eyes.

She looked at him pitifully. "I'll...try" she stood up, pulling her luggage with her.

"Behave yourself"

And then she was gone. Leaving him behind to the company of servants.

Karma sniffed the fabric, and his nostril was met with the scent of lavender, and the natural musk of his mother. He hugged the red fabric, feeling her warmth.


Karma's eyes snapped open and he shot up to the sitting position. He cradled his face. "Why the hell did I had to dream up that memory?"

He felt something wet. He removed his hands and realized that he'd been crying in his sleep.

Karma ran his fingers through his hair, and stood up.

If he's not too late, maybe he'll go help out with Rio's assassination.

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