My Heart Belongs To You

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Makoto X Haru

The clock ticked and ticked annoyingly as Makoto, Nagisa, Rei and Rin were in the waiting area waiting for the news.

A young lady dressed in all white came out holding a blue clipboard to her chest.

"Um, Haruka Nanase?" She called out to the large crowd of people in the waiting room.

The 4 friends stood up eagerly, starving for information.

"How's he doing?" Rin asked with sweat pouring from his temples.

"Well, it seems I have some bad news. The impact from the car accident has traumatized your friend's heart."

"What are you saying, doc?" Nagisa asked.

"Haru is going to need a heart transplant, but we can find an available heart for him. Without that new heart, he could die"

The area was quiet for a few moments before Makoto spoke up.

"I'll do it"

"What no Mako-chan, I won't allow it!" Nagisa wined.

"Are you sure you wanna do this sir? You do know what will happen if you go through with it."

"Yes, and I would be glad to give up my life to save Haru's. And it also helps that we have the same blood type. Hook me up doc." Makoto let out a heavy breath before the nurse took him to the back.

"MAKO-CHAN!" Nagisa yelled as the doors closed.


Haru's eyes fluttered open and the sudden shock of sunlight gleamed in through his eyelids.

"Haru" Rin smiled as he held his hands in his own.

"R-Rin?" His voice still shaky from not speaking in awhile.

"You idiot, If you would've died I would've had to revive you just to kill you myself." The redhead cried in sudden joy.

Haru looked around the room to find Rei and Nagisa passed out in the visitors chairs.

"Don't worry about them, they were up all night waiting for you to wake up." He laughed.

Haru looked around once again for someone in particular.

"Where's Makoto?" He asked.

Rim's joyful expression turned blank as he handed Haru a folded piece of paper and woke the other two up.

"We'll give you a moment"

Haru unfolded the slip of paper, it was a note from Makoto.

The note read:

"Dear Haru,
It was indescribable to despair I felt when I saw that semi truck hit us right in front of my eyes without me being able to do anything to save you.
For me, it was torture as I continued to watch you everyday on that bed, helpless and in constant danger of life...just for my own fault.

I could not live without those blue eyes of yours that with just one little glance would make me melt, and those rare smiles that would turn my worst days in the most wonderful days I have ever had. You always seemed to make each day with you better and better.

When I knew it was possible to save you with an immediate heart transplant...I of course volunteered as a donor.
You shouldn't blame yourself for this, I gave you my heart mainly was already yours.

My only wish is that you continue to LIVE,
That you become strong and an excellent swimmer, (Even though to me you already are the best)
And that you don't EVER feel inferior to anyone, both for intelligence and strength.

Remember that I'll love you forever, even in heaven, and thank you for making me spend a liftime full of love and your company.
Love always~ Tachibana Makoto"

He wiped the tears from his eyes and grabbed his shirt where his heart, well where Makoto's heart, was.

He didn't feel too upset, he knew that even though Makoyo wouldn't physically be there, he would always be there...with them.

If that makes any sense.

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