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Izuku's POV

I wake up in a room I recognize as Recovery Girl's office. I am laying in a comfortable and familiar hospital bed. It took me a few seconds to realize what happened. I did it, I got back into UA!

Recovery Girl took my filthy hoodie and pants off when I was unconscious, now I am dressed in all white clothes. Although my head still hurts, I notice that most of my scars and bruises have been healed. Thanks to Recovery Girl.

I grab my phone from the small table next to my bed, I've got a text from Shigaraki.


'Don't try anything, you know the consequences'

That crusty mf shouldn't be texting my while I'm in UA, what would've happened if someone else saw it?!

I roll my eyes, annoyed, while I mute his number. I switch to my camera app and check out my reflection. The scar that Toga gave me is still on my face, although it isn't bleeding anymore. I still have a little bruise on my nose from when Shiggy broke it, but for the rest I don't have any scars or bruises.

I hear a noise from outside the room and quickly put away my phone. The door opens, Aizawa and Recovery Girl stepped inside. At first they didn't notice that I'm awake.

"Yes, I've healed most of his scars. Not the one on his eye tho, it makes him look cute in my opinion"

What the actual fuck Recovery Girl?!

They now notice that I'm awake. Mr Aizawa walks towards me and stops infront of my bed.

"Midoriya, how are you feeling?"

"I- I'm fine..."

Activating acting skills...

"Can you tell us what happened after you got kidnapped?"

Acting skills activated

"Y-yes... t-the league took m-me to their base a-and..."

Aizawa gave me a concerned look while a tear runs down my face.

"It's okay, take your time"

"W-well... they asked me if I wanted to join the LOV, I declined s-so they beat me up. I was put in a dark room with no furniture, everyday they would come in and ask if I wanted to join them. Every time I declined they beat me up. And they threatened me that if I wouldn't join they would kill me, I told them I'd r-rather d-die then join them..."

I let my head drop, my hair covers my eyes while tears stream over my cheeks. I grit my teeth while the teardrops fall down. I can just feel the concerned looks of Aizawa and Recovery Girl. I must say, I'm quite impressed of my own acting skills.

"How did you escape?"

"A-after I told them I'd rather die they threw me out, I made my own way back here"

"Do you know where their base is?"

Shit, what do I say to that?

"No... I know that it is a bar... I've only seen the inside since they kept using Kurogiri, a villian with a portal quirk, to teleport me in and out"

"Thanks for telling us, Midoriya"

He walks towards the door, before he walks out of the room he stops and turns around.

"I'm going to let you rest now, is it okay if some of your classmates come visit you? They're worried"

I wipe away the tears and look at my homeroom teacher with a small smile.

"I'm doing this for you" - Forced Villain DekuWhere stories live. Discover now