Stealing files

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Bakugou's POV

I woke up in Recovery Girl's office, wait- what happened? Oh I remember, Deku knocked me out! That bastard!

How did he even do that? Since when is he so fast?! I decided that as soon as I'm allowed to leave I'll go confront him.

So that evening in the dorms, I walked up to Deku.


He didn't even flinch at my yelling, He. Didn't. Even. Flinch. Does that damn bastard think he is better than me?!


He rolled his eyes and then turned to me, with a bright but forced smile.

"Yeah what's up Kacchan?"

"How the hell did you do that?!"

"Do what?"

"How were you so fast?!"

"Oh you mean during the Villains vs Heroes game? Heh, I've been training"

He nervously rubbed the back of his neck.

I continued to yell at him, after a while he just started ignoring me. The audacity!


"Kacchan, I'm not trying to be mean but... could you kindly shut the fuck up?!"


"*sigh* yes actually, yes I do think I'm better than an angry Pomeranian like you"

What the- I've never seen Deku acting like this.

"What are you looking at?! Go away Katsuki!"

AND NOW MY FIRST NAME?! What the hell is wrong with him?!

"I said go to hell Katsuki!"

Everyone is looking at us with shock, I myself am shocked. After a while of gaping at him he walked away himself.

Uraraka's POV

Deku has been acting weird, first the sneaking out in the weekends and now the sudden new techniques and cursing? He told us he had been training with his friends, but I doubt that he has any other friends.

Due to him acting sus, I, Tsu and Todoroki decided to follow him when he's sneaking out again.

Its Saturday morning, I'm sitting in the dorms common room with Tsu and Todoroki, waiting for Deku to sneak out. We never really knew how he snuck out, all we know was that he was always gone in the morning and would come back very late in the evening. Suddenly I hear something from outside, I rush to the window to see Deku JUMPING OUT OF HIS WINDOW!

"Guys! He jumped out of his window!"


"Is he crazy?! Ribbit"

The other two came running to the window to see Deku quietly walking towards an alleyway.

"Come on! We have to follow him"

I open the window, the others weren't catching on so I turned to them, only to see their shocked faces.

"I'm not jumping out of a window! We could break our legs!"

"Come on, my quirk is zero gravity remember? I can make us float to the ground"

They hesitated for a moment.

"We don't have time, hurry!"

They stepped forwards and let me touch them, I activated my quirk on us. We floated out of the window. When we came close enough to the ground I drop myself and not long after the others. Todoroki lands on his feet and so do I, but Tsu falls flat on her face.

"Ouch ribbit"

I walked up to her and helped her up. We saw a figure taking a turn to the left, we recognized the figure as Deku and quickly ran after him. It's easy to recognize Deku since he always has his enormous red shoes on. When we came closer we slowed down so he wouldn't hear us.


Todoroki and I turned to Tsu, I pushed my index finger to my lips, signifying that she had to be quiet. She apologized under her breath. I love Tsu, I really do, but sometimes she can be a little bit careless. I pulled Todoroki and Tsu behind a trash bin.

Deku had turned his head to where the sound came from, he looked directly at the place where we stood a second ago. He definitely noticed us, without a doubt! But for some reason he just smiled hopefully and turned around again, continuing his walk.

He stopped in an alleyway, he opened the door and walked into a... bar? The door shut behind him, ripping Deku out of our sight.

"What now? Ribbit"

"We can't go inside without being noticed, this is pointless. Let's go back to UA"

"It's weird tho, why would an innocent cinnamon roll like Deku go to a bar?"

"Maybe he isn't that much of an innocent cinnamon roll as we think he is, ribbit"

Its strange tho, after he was kidnapped he'd began acting so differently. And suddenly he had other friends and was sneaking out to go to bars. I don't remember Deku like this!

Izuku's POV

I had snuck out again and was walking to the league's base when I heard a noise behind me. I turned around to see... Tsu getting pulled behind a trash bin? Oh I get it, they were following me. Let's just pretend I didn't see them and continue walking, maybe they'll find out about me being forced to be part of the league, maybe they'll come rescue me! Anyhow I'm still on the heroes side if I had a choice, I'm leading heroes-in-training directly to the LOVs base.

When I entered the bar I suddenly panicked, what if they follow me inside? The villains will kill them! Thankfully they didn't. They'd probably gone back to UA again.

This weekend I was training with Shigaraki, a challenge indeed. Before training he had told me I got my first real mission as the UA traitor. "Yay" I'm not looking forward to it. I have to steal files from the principals office. There are cameras in there, how the hell am I supposed to do it without getting caught?! Shiggy told me that was a problem I should figure out myself, ugh that man is so annoying.

So as ordered, Tuesday night at 2 am I snuck out of my dorm. I was wearing a black hoodie, long pants and a mask to cover my unique freckled face.

I arrived at the principals office, things did go pretty easy from there. I snuck in, hiding in the shadows. That's another trick I learned from the league. Because it's so dark the camera's will barely spot me, they may see some movement but when I did my research I figured out that there is no type of security for that in here. I opened the drawers, I gloves on to prevent me leaving fingerprints. I put on my night goggles, I got those from the league. They allow me to see in the dark, it's better than a flashlight because that would catch too much attention. I searched for the files for a while, eventually I found them. That's when I heard a noise from outside the room, someone was about to come in! I snatched the files out of the drawer and ran to the window. Quickly opened the window and jumped out of it.

I landed on grass, when I turned around I saw the light turning on in the principals office. Shit I have to get out of here! I pushed myself up and ran to the league's base, while almost dropping the files I stole. When I arrived at the league's base I had dropped the files on the bar and went back to the UA dorms before anyone noticed that I was gone. Well that went smooth! 

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