Chapter 16

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He once again woke up in a hospital room, 'Why am I here again? I just passed out'

The doctor sighed in relief, "How do you feel, Mr Kang?"

He looked at him strangely, " f..fine" his voice came out weird as if he hadn't used it for a long time.

The doctor nodded and stopped for a moment when they heard Huening Kai's wails again, "What's with him? He wails as if I almost died–" realization hit him hard and he looked at the doctor.

"What happened?"

"Your heart stopped beating seven times." What the doctor said made his eyes widen and his face paled.

' times? How can that be?'

"Everyday that you're here your heart will stop beating and that's the reason why your friend is wailing outside. Just a moment earlier we were trying to revive you and then you woke up" he then nodded and thanked him as he went outside to deliver the news.

After cherishing the comfortable silence it was broken when the door opened revealed the said wailing friend with his 'lovers' trailing him from behind and his husband quietly walking behind them.

When he saw his friend's haggard state he can't help but to feel sorry and smile from within, ever since he saw that scene he can't help but to change his view towards him as if he needs to take care of him as he is to Taehyun's husband.

"You look ugly, why are you crying? I am alright now"

Huening Kai went to his bed and pointed his index finger at him, "You, do you really not want to live any more? You almost died seven times, not once, not twice but seven! Can you imagine our shock everytime your heart monitor will go straight line?"

"I thought I was just dreaming for an hour how could I know that my heart stopped from beating" he explained

"Dreaming? Taehyun you were not breathing!" He then again cried with Yeonjun and Soobin trying to calm him down.

While watching them calm the younger down, Beomgyu silently walked towards him and his eyes drifted to him, "What happened? I just saw you not breathing in bed"

'Was he the one who brought me here?'

He smiled thinly, "It was just a headache then the last thing I know I fainted"

The older nodded and did not utter any words, "Stop trying to be cool, you dumb shit" Yeonjun said and the older glared at him.

The oldest looked at him, "This fucker was so frightened that he threatened us to come back immediately or he won't ever let us step foot in the country again"

Soobin nodded, "He ordered us to fix the problem in the span of 20 minutes or he won't let us off the hook like we are older than him?"

He can't help but to chuckle at the sight of the two eldest being sulky and glaring at Beomgyu who was glaring at them and then Kai who stopped and laughing.

"Try getting to know them more and I know you'll like them. Befriend them, Kang Taehyun. Open your heart and let them in" were the words Taehyun left him  before he woke up with another added words, "Take care of Beomgyu hyung, he needs loves the most and probably you."

"Shut up, old hag. Your voice irritates me" Beomgyu irritatedly said and Yeonjun couldn't let that go as he advanced towards him trying to choke him

"Who's the old hag, huh? Come on tell me!"

"You! Get of me, old hag!!"

Soobin shook his head and tried to separate him but it only fuel them more. The noise hurting his head he closed his eyes and called the older, "Gyu hyung.."

Beomgyu suddenly stopped trying to kill the eldest and went to him, "Whipped" Yeonjun said but the latter just glared at him

"Do you need something?"

He slowly nodded, "I'm hungry" the older did not need more words when he left to order food for him leaving them alone.

In an instant Yeonjun was at his side and Soobin in front him while Huening Kai's place was the same in his bed.

"That dumb shit is a spoiled brat and all but I hope you won't give up on him. He's very annoying but he's nice once you get to know him more" he stated

Soobin agreed, "If he ever says mean words to you it's just his anger towards your parents talking so I hope you forgive him"

"Yeah, I know. I don't plan on giving up on him anyways" he says as he thinks Taehyun's undying feelings for the older.

"If you only saw his expression for the last few days it's darker than black and did you know, he threatened the doctor to burn this hospital if you won't wake up within this day" remembering it all Huening Kai can't help but to laugh.

"Yeah and he didn't even came to work not even once, he was so stubborn and kept saying he wants to stay here to watch you. He hates not coming to work and he's traumatized everytime your monitor will become a flat line " Yeonjun told him

"Your husband has it bad, Taehyun-ah" Huening Kai laughed and he kicked him.

The youngest let out a scream and just like always his 'lovers' are to the rescue.

"It's true though, he's starting to be fond of you" he tried once again because he is now out of reach

'I suddenly can't hear anything'

He looked at the two eldest with a grin, "Did you know that my friend right here is very fond of you two? He can't stop blabbering about how great you two are" Huening Kai's eyes widened while the two just blushed making him express a disgusting expression

'Why the fuck is love in the air? Disgusting lovebirds'

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